Only in its own mind, not in reality.
The 1st article is about the honorary degree given Irish President Mary McAleese on Thursday 11 December 2008. In 1995 she had the following to say about the Church's teaching on an all male priesthood: “If I truly believed that Christ was the authority for the proposition that women are to be excluded from priesthood by virtue simply of their gender, I would have to say emphatically that this is a Christ in whose divinity I do not and will not and cannot believe.” In 1997 she described "defenders of the Vatican line" on the all-male priesthood as "Communist Party apparatchiks hawking redundant cliches."
She is also the founding legal advisor to the Campaign for Homosexual Law Reform. This Irish group motivated the Irish parliament in 1993 to pass a law legalizing same-sex activity.
In 2004 the US Bishops issued a declaration stating that “Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.” USF has shown how much respect it has for the Bishops.
Apparently USF doesn't have any more respect for the teachings of the Catholic Church than it does for the US Bishops.
USF has a student health insurance program that it requires every student who doesn't have a comperable insurance program to enroll it. Students have to prove that they have coverage that is comparable (equal or better) to the USF plan. If not "Students automatically will be enrolled in, and have their accounts billed for, the University-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan." The insurance policy is underwritten by Aetna. According to the USF brochure: "The University of San Francisco Student Health Insurance Plan has been developed especially for eligible University of San Francisco students and their eligible dependents. The Plan provides coverage for illnesses and Injuries that occur on and off campus, and includes special cost-saving features to keep coverage as affordable as possible. University of San Francisco is pleased to offer the Plan, as described in this Brochure, to students and their eligible dependents."
This specially developed plan includes the following as a Maternity Expense: "Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy - Covered Medical Expenses are payable as follows: Preferred Care: 90% of the Negotiated Charge.Non-Preferred Care: 70% of the Reasonable Charge."
Remember, this isn't a generic policy, this was specifically developed with the cooperation of USF. & that there is nothing in California law that requires them to cover abortions. (& even if it did, this is 1 of those times for a little civil disobedience.) Any student who doesn't meet the USF insurance requirement & opposes abortion is being forced to underwrite them for others.
So, besides the sick joke of listing abortion as a maternity benifit, USF is condoning premarital sex, adultry & abortion among other things that go against Catholic teaching.
No comments for USF since the news of this broke on Wednesday.
Update: 13 December 2008 1:19 AM
It isn't often that I have a quick update on something I just posted. But there is in this case.
I just discovered that USF issued the following Friday Afternoon:
A new health plan for students at the University of San Francisco included a provision for the voluntary termination of pregnancy. It was not the University's intention to offer this coverage. USF supports the Catholic Church's views on the sanctity of life, at all stages, and we will remove this provision from our student healthplan. We regret this mistake, and we take full responsibility for not adequately reviewing the contract. We are grateful to those who brought this issue to our attention.
Gary McDonald
AVP, Communications and Public Affairs
University of San Francisco
That's the good news. (Apparently!)
Now for the bad news:
According to
OSV Daily Take, a blog by the staff of
Our Sunday Visitor, apparently USF employees’ insurance plan has provided coverage for abortion since at least 2006. (
Jesuit university health plan covers student abort... ) But wait, there is even more.
St. Mary’s Medical Center, which is across the street from the university, provides a clinic for USF students. It does not provide gynecology and obstetrics. You won't believe this. "
An official at the hospital said that St. Mary’s refers students who request abortion or contraception either to Planned Parenthood or to Aetna providers." You read that right. This so called Catholic hospital not only does, but admits to refering women to PP & other abortionists.
& it keeps on getting worse. "St. Mary’s senior director Les McGee, who said he oversees the student health clinic among other areas, told OSV no statistics are kept on how many students request abortion. 'We just provide them with resources of where they want to go,' McGee said. 'We’re not involved in terminating pregnancies.'”
Talk about a cop out, he is saying that since we don't do them, we're not involved. Oh yes you are, by the mere fact that you willingly refer these young women to abortionists rather that a crisis pregenancy center.
& given USF's track record, I don't think that abortion being included was accidental. USF's McDonald was being disingenuous as far as I am concerned. USF has a long track record of dissent from the Church's teaching on abortion that convinces me abortion was intentionally included.
"In 2002, USF was one of a few Catholic universities called to task by the Association of Students at Catholic Colleges for Planned Parenthood referrals. At that time, USF came under fire for linking to Planned Parenthood and another pro-abortion center at a University website on pregnancy. The page was later removed."
& where is the head of the
Archdiocese of San Francisco,
Archbishop George Niederauer. According to an e-mail from Archdiocesan spokesman Maurice Healy, he is away & won't be able to comment until the middle of next week. Remember this is the same Archbishop who dropped the ball with Nancy Pelosi time & time again. So, it shouldn't be surprizing he hasn't dealt with USF or St. Mary's Medical Center as he should either.
Anyone who wants to can contact USF President Fr. Stephen Privett:
Office of the President
LMR 415
2130 Fulton St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
phone: 415 422-6762
Info for contacting Archbishop Niederauer can be found at the Archdiocesan website.
Labels: Planned Parenthood, University of San Francisco (USF)
At 13/12/08 11:05 AM ,
Simplex Vir said...
Maybe in its mind Al, but certainly not in its heart! We are truly a broken people as a result of abortion.
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