I have to start with saying that I haven't had a chance to read the entire document yet. But, even if I hadn't read any of it, or any summaries from reliable sources, I still would know that the headline above is disingenuous at best.
1. The Church has never been opposed to stem cell research, as long as it involves adult stem cells, or umbilical cord stem cells. It is only when the research involves embryonic stem cells, that the Church opposes it.
2. The opposition to embryonic stem cell research has always been absolute. there is nothing to harden.
The openning line of the article continues the misleading "hardenning" theme. But at least it does get the facts right about what type of research it opposes. "The Vatican hardened its opposition Friday to using embryos for stem cell research, cloning and in-vitro fertilization. But in a major new document on bioethics, it showed flexibility on some forms of gene therapy and left open questions surrounding embryo adoption."
What flexability on gene theraphy? Again, they are being disingenuous. What the document does & doesn't allow is consistant with what the Church has always taught.
What the line is trying to do is clearly undermine the Church's teaching by making it sound like things aren't as hard & fast as they are.
The official document was dated on 8 September 2008 (Nativity of Mary) & approved by papa Benedetto on 20 June 2008. It was released on 12 December 2008 (Our Lady of Guadelupe). Those dates are very appropriate. Esp the date of its release. Our Lady of Guadelupe has become the patronness of the Pro-Life moviement. Mary's appearances in Mexico to St. Juan Diego were key in putting an end to human sacrifice.
This document, in conjunction with Donum vitae, Evangelium vitae & Humanae vitae as well as Pope John Paul's Theology of the Body provide a solid guide to what God's will is when it comes to these issues. They are Divinely provided tools to help us to follow God's will in promoting the "Culture of Life".
Sadly, there will be many so-called Catholic theologians & ethicists as well as the usual Catholic In Name Only gang that will ignore & or work to undermine what the Church has shown us IS God's truth in these situations. They refuse to learn from the past. Time & time again, when man has ignored God's will, he has eventually paid the price. The Church is once again exercising its teaching authority to guide us away from those areas that should be reserved only for God. Will we listen? Or will we again pay the penalty? I hope & pray for the former but know that there are those who won't listen. That is why we must keep working to fight the "culture of death" behind these things & work to build the "Culture of Life" God wants.
At 16/12/08 3:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Good write up. It is disappointing when the secular media mislead the general public.
This is why it is good for people to have blogs and get out there and tell a more accurate version of the story.
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