Before I start, I have to say that in some ways this is 1 post vying for the 1 I least want to write. In it I will talk about some things that may happen here in America that I don't even want to think about. But, given so much I have seen with the Obama campaign, I feel my concerns are well founded & I need to speak out.
In a recent post I made a comment about how Obama was striving to become the next Hitler with his stand on abortion. Since then I read
I'm a Member of the "Resistance"!! at
Dad29's blog. It got me thinking. There has been a lot of talk about Obama & his uber-socialist leanings. & even though I have been super concerned in the past, it suddenly dawned on me that we could very well see happen here in the USA what occurred in both Italia & Germany in the early part of the 20th Century. & a comment recently by Vir from
American Rumpo confirmed my concerns when he referenced the similarities between Obama's camp & events found in Orwell's
I can here someone saying wait a minute, Hitler & Mussolini were dictators. Our president is elected. Remember, that is exactly how they gained power, through the democratic process of their supporters being elected. & what is even scarier, I am seeing Obama's gang use many of the same tactics they used to gain power. Look at the recent attempts to punish a Florida TV station for daring to question Obama's stands as Marxist. Look at the fact that several other papers who endorsed McCain no longer have a place with the rest of the press travelling with Obama.
Rather than go on & repeat what has been so adequately said elsewhere I will provide a couple of links for you to read yourself.
The book Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg does an excellent job of developing the connection between what today's liberal Democratic party is offering & their predicessors in Nazism, Fascism & Communism.
My point in all this is simple. This is the threat we face if we elect Obama. It may not happen over night. It didn't in Germany, nor in Italia. But over time 2 countries went from democracy to dictatorships. It came to pass because people were willing to sell their freedoms for a mess of pottage.
With the economic conditions we face today, we are on the verge of doing the same thing. & we risk the same results. I pray it doesn't come to that, but if it does, sign me up for the resistance. Because I will resist Obama, just as I would resist my paisan, Mussolini, had I lived in Italia in the 30s or 40s. I know that this may just have put me at the head of the list to be sent to an Obama's reeducation camp. So what?
At 7/11/08 1:17 AM ,
Kathy from Kansas said...
Thank you. I'm so glad whenever I find someone else who "gets it."
Some people fear that Obama has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), as Hitler, Mao, Khomeini and others did. Please check out "Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer" by an Iranian who suffered through the rise of Khomeini and knows first-hand what these narcissistic personalities are like and the incredible harm they can do:
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