While there are many things to be concerned about with the general results of yesterday's voting, there are a few rays of hope.
The big victory for traditional values was in California where Proposition 8 passed, despite an attempt by Attorney General Jerry Brown (another Catholic in name only) to sabatoge it. The pro-gay marriage group is threatening to go back to court claiming improper proceedures were followed as it is a constitutional "revision" rather than an "amendment". Why didn't they bring this up before? I suspect that they were way too arrogant in thinking that they would win. Given the past track record, it seems likely that the state Supreme Court will rule that it was proceedurally correct. But, given the current make up out there, & the clear lack of respect for the letter of the "Constitution" or the "Will of the People, the battle is yet to be decisively won. &, the "culture of death" media is doing its part to keep the battle going. The reason is, that they know that how it plays out in California will eventually spread elsewhere. & if it is stopped here, then it can & will be stopped eleswhere.
Also, while not getting so much attention, Florida & Arizona voted to ban "gay marriages". (Note, I hate to use the term, since they are not, will not & cannot ever truly be marriages simply because God ordained marriage as between a man & a woman. But, that is the term used, so I have to work with it.)
Sadly, Washington state has chosen to go further down the path to total destruction by approving assisted suicides. Legalized license to kill is what it is. & the measures in South Dakota & Colorado lost as well. Michigan approved embryonic stem cell research.
Anyhow, we have 2 choices, we can give up & let evil win, or we can continue to fight for life.
There are those who will want to surrender. I say "NEVER!!!!!" We cannot surrender, we must not surrender. True, we may have suffered some temporary setbacks. But then, to look at Jesus on the cross, or in the grave, it too looked like he lost. But come Sunday morning, we know what the true end result was. He rose from the dead assuring final victory over sin & death. & we can't give up either. We cannot stop working to build a "Culture of Life", not until that day when we are called to give an accounting to God for our lives or He returns at the end of time.
Yes, I know how easy it would be to be disheartened. The battles ahead are going to be even more difficult with all that this country did yesterday to embrace the "culture of death". But remember, that as long as we stay on God's side, in the end, we will win. & even though it may seem impossible to believe now, God will bring good out of all that happenned yesterday.
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