Yesterday I posted an article by
Dinesh D'Souza on how science is pointing to God. Some time ago I talked about Ben Stein's movie
Expelled that talked about how even intelligent design is taboo in most circles of science. The trouble is, science does & always will ultimately point to God. & as D'Souza points out, that is exactly what is happenning.
No, science will never be able to absolutely prove the existance of God. Until the 2nd Coming at the end of time there will always be a point where each of us will have to look at everything that reason & science says about the logical existance of God & accept it for him/herself.
But science, like reason, can point the way to the truth. Paul wrote to the Church in Rome "For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them. Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made." (Romans 1:19-20)
Psalm 19 explains how this can be. "The heavens declare the glory of God, the vault of heaven proclaims his handiwork, day discourses of it to day, night to night hands on the knowledge. No utterance at all, no speech, not a sound to be heard, but from the entire earth the design stands out, this message reaches the whole world." (Psalm 19:1-4)
That is why scientists are finding what was mentioned in that Discover article. Things like “an extraordinary fact about the universe: its basic properties are uncannily suited for life.” As physicist Andrei Linde points out, “We have a lot of really, really strange coincidences, and all of these coincidences are such that they make life possible.”
Steven Weinberg, the Nobel laureate in physics and an outspoken atheist: “this is fine-tuning that seems to be extreme, far beyond what you could imagine just having to accept as a mere accident.” Physicist Freeman Dyson: “The universe in some sense knew we were coming.”
What science is doing is pointing back to the fact that we aren't here by accident. That man didn't come about by chance. That the universe was made for man. & that leads back to God.
Ironically, in earlier centuries the greatest scientists were also faithful Christians. They were looking to understand how God's creation operates. There was no conflict between faith & science.
Yes, some people didn't like what Galileo was saying. But some of the blame can be put on Galileo. His attitude played a huge role. & he was wrong in 1 aspect. he claimed that everything revolved arround the Sun, which remained motionless. & we now know that the sun does move. & revolve.
The reality is that those scientists who want to push out God are the ones who are truly opposed to real science, not the Christians they attack as being "creationists". While the Bible isn't a science text book, as time goes on, more & more evidence of the historical & scientific accuracy of the Bible will be found.
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