When I read this column the 1st thing I thought of was a High School classmate of mine & how she introduced her husband at our class reunion. She said he was the best reason she could think of for being pro-life. Why? Because he was adopted. OK, when he was born, most stated banned or severly limited abortions. But, how do we know he was from 1 of those states? We don't. All we know is his mother made the right choice & gave him the opportunity to live.
Then there is another couple that I think of. I was privledged to be 1 of the groomsmen at the wedding. In fact, I played a part in their meeting in the 1st place. A couple years ago their son Jon got married. Why do I bring them up? If you haven't figured out by now, Jon was adopted. I can still remember them bringing him home & holdng him in my arms. Jon was born after the courts ruled allowing the legalized murder of 1/3 of his generayion. Fortunately, his mother also made the right choice, the only true choice.
Despite what they claim, there is no such thing as an unwanted child. I've seen too much evidence to the contrary to ever believe that.
"Adoption is the caring option." This is a slogan that produces silent fury in pro-abortion activists.
I mean, these guys work day and night to dehumanize and devalue unborn babies and glorify what they deem to be the termination of 'worthless blobs.' And each adoption is quite literally a 'product of conception' that was valued enough to escape abortion. When that happens - when society starts placing value on what a multi-million dollar industry has fought to keep value-less (a baby that the mother did not plan for or cannot keep) - well, that breeds resentment in the pro-abort crowd, to say the least.
Few in the general public realize it, but abortuary 'counselors' and anti-child activists have been waging a quiet but successful war against adoption from day one. They have to. It's in the nature of being pro-abortion.
I'll break it down. Abortion is what should happen to an unwanted pregnancy, right? It's the solution. It's the liberation of women. It's the 'choice' to make. Therefore, each adoption is a blatant failure for the abortion industry. Every adopted human being who stands up to thank his or her mother for life, or to voice their extreme gratitude at not ending up in a trash compactor - and I have yet to hear an adopted individual say otherwise - is a threat to the pro-abort crowd.
I'm not being catty or overdramatic when I say that every abortion provider in the United States today has wished at some point that adopted children were aborted children instead.
Like every other absurd notion that pro-choicers spew into the public profile, the fight against adoption is dressed up in a pretty slogan. In this case it's, "Every Child a Wanted Child". That's the mantra that is mindlessly chanted at rallies and protests when the word 'adoption' is brought up. It's the sole justification for abortion. If I don't want this person, I can terminate him/her and it is acceptable. (I wonder how far anyone else can take that logic? 'Every pro-abort a wanted pro-abort?' Hmm...)
The National Council for Adoption estimates that 1.3 million couples are waiting to adopt a child. That mirrors exactly the estimated 1.3 million children aborted each year. For every one child released for adoption, literally thirty others are killed. For every couple that gets the joy of adopting a child, forty other couples wait in line. Check out these websites to view the couples desperately waiting to adopt: www.parentprofiles.com and www.adopting.org. Most of these couples specifically want to adopt disabled or special needs children. (Sorry pro-aborts, even the disabled babies are wanted babies too.)
I'll point out the obvious once more. Every child is a wanted child. There are no unwanted children. In fact, there currently are not enough children to fill the want.
Adoption proves the immeasurable worth of every precious human being, born and preborn. People marvel that pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood are so mysteriously silent about adoption. But it's really very simple. If someone lets the cat out of the bag that every child is wanted and has intrinsic worth, what will that do to abortion sales?
Planned Parenthood answered the question, "But aren't there alternatives to abortion?" in their pamphlet "Let's Tell the Truth About Abortion." (Distributed by Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood. 22 pages. Fight Back Press, P.O. Box 61421, Denver, Colorado 80206.):
"Yes, there are. A pregnant woman can carry the baby to term and she can then keep it or relinquish the baby for adoption. Relinquishment is often not a very humane procedure."
That right there is probably the only time you may ever see an abortionist put 'abortion' and 'not a very humane procedure' in the same paragraph.
In our society today, anti-life giants have been unbelievably successful at blinding women with the kind of illogical rhetoric quoted above. They have actually got women saying, "What kind of a mother would I be to give up my child?" even as they spread their legs strapped in stirrups for the brutal dismemberment of that same child. Unborn children: too precious for caring adoption, worthless enough for savage destruction. That is the message of abortion to would-be adoptive parents. In our society today, our own President-elect openly states that he would view his unplanned grandchild as a 'punishment' that doesn't deserve life, instead of a precious human being who is loved and wanted by millions of couples nationwide. Obama has done his best to spread an anti-child mentality along with the abortion mill industry he supports. But he is doubtless grateful that his own mother decided that he would be something better than a punishment. And if she had not, I don't doubt he would have preferred to be put up for adoption.
November is National Adoption Month. 2006 marked the first time that National Adoption Month was celebrated in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. In total, more than 250 events were held throughout the country to finalize the adoptions of more than 3,300 children in foster care, and to celebrate all families who adopt.
While the eyes and ears of the nation are on the warm and fuzzy aspects of pro-family, pro-adoption and pro-life events, we need to step up and point out that abortion is anti-family, that it hurts adoption and that it destroys precious life.
I think it is safe to say that pro-life is pro-adoption and pro-choice is intrinsically anti-adoption. The problem is, pro-choicers are much more adamant in their anti-adoption stance - in fact, they have to be - than we are in our pro-adoption stance. National Adoption Month is our month. Let's act like it!
Planned Parenthood pocketed $305 million of taxpayers' money in its last fiscal year, yet it would not refer more than 1,500 clients to adoption agencies, nor even list 'adoption' in their annual report - apparently, the effect it had on their profits was negligible. (And keep in mind, a referral for an adoption is not an actual adoption.) Rather than the champions of choice they so proudly assert themselves to be, abortion-rights fanatics are the most restrictive of all when it comes to choices like adoption.
There is nothing pro-choice about abortion-rights advocates. There is only anti-life, superficial, sloganistic contradictions of logic. If we can get out there and inform people about what the legitimate choices are, during this month of adoption advocacy, and warn them about the ramifications of abortion, then perhaps we can move closer to a society that is truly consistent in its stances on life and choice.
The best solution to 'Every Child a Wanted Child' is adoption. It is as illogical to call abortion the 'solution' as it is to call its advocates 'intelligent.'
Women need to know that groups like Planned Parenthood will choose to make a quick buck and have every mother's child destroyed before they will refer them to an adoption agency and lose a sale. Abortion kills wanted children. This is what needs to be revealed this National Adoption Month. Until that happens, thousands of wanted babies will continue to die every single day.
- Gingi Edmonds
and Dan Marcum
At 24/11/08 9:09 AM ,
Amyadoptee said...
Adoption is not exactly the better option. At least as its practiced now in the United States. Its interesting that you complain about the money that Planned Parenthood receives. The domestic infant adoption is three billion dollar business. The international adoption is a seven billion dollar business. Lets not forget the twenty billion dollar business that foster care is. That is federal monies. That is quite a bit more than the measly 305 million dollars that Planned Parenthood gets from the federal government. You may have experienced many a happy adoptee. However an adoptee is not going to tell you how they really feel about adoption.
If an adoptee was born before 1973, their mothers did not have a choice and were forced to relinquish. I can tell you today that coercion still exists.
Adoption and safe havens are abandonment plain and simple. Many of the mothers of the era of mass surrender were coerced into relinquishing. Adoption today denies adoptees their heritage, their medical history and the accurate documentation that they are indeed American citizens.
Until you have thoroughly researched what adoption does to both adoptees and natural parents, I do not recommend you talking about it. We will educate you on the topic.
First stop, after you have looked over my blog, check out all of my links. Start with many of the first parents. Then go to the many adoptees. You will be very surprised at how we really feel about adoption. Some will sound harsh but others will really open your eyes.
Adoption is the only action that expects its recipients to be grateful. It is a decision made about us without our consent. We are held honor bound for the rest of our lives. Sorry I am not real good about that.
At 24/11/08 2:47 PM ,
Marley Greiner said...
If adoption values children so much, then why are the original birth records and other state records pertaining to the birth and adoption sealed from the adult adoptee to whom they pertain?
Adoption should not mean the obliteration of identity, heritage, and medical history, yet it is in 45 (soon to be 44 states) Anti-abortion organizations lead the attack on adult adoptees who want to be treated equal to the not adopted,telling them to shut up and be grateful. That doesn't sound very life affirming and valuing to me. It just says that adoptees are dirty little secrets.
At 25/11/08 12:21 AM ,
Al said...
Kite Kamp Girl, I am truly sorry for your bitterness, but your experience doesn't take away anything from the fact that you can get help & healing if you really want to. But, it strikes me that you are too happy being bitter to really want to get that healing. & for that I pity you.
Your line "It is a decision made about us without our consent." is a cop out as far as I am concerned. Remember that as infants & young children all decisions were made without our consent. We are unable to make them.
May God have mercy on you & lead you to let go of your hatred & bitterness.
At 25/11/08 12:23 AM ,
Al said...
Marley, to some extent, I agree. There is a major need for overhauling the adoption laws for medical reasons alone.
All I want to ensure is if the parent(s) wants to be able to protect her/his privacy they should have the right to remain anonymous while still finding a way for all the other info to be out there.
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