In pre-WW II Italia, Fascist blacksirts would attack those who disagreed with their view to silence them. Ditto with the Nazi brownshirts in Germany. They did so out of hate & the knowledge that their terroristic acts were the only way they could take power.
Fast forward to 21st Century America & take a look at this video:
Crazy lefties attack old lady at No on 8 protest... . We see a sweet little old lady from a group who supports Prop 8 with her hands folded in prayer. She is holding a cross & is trying to give an interview to a newscaster. We see a bunch of people filled with hate. WHO ARE THEY? Not the so-called hate-filled Christians. They are the homosexual marriage supporters who claim they are only trying to put an end to hate. & in doing so, they attack her physically.
Talk about Orwellian!!!! In the name of stopping hate, opponents of California's Proposition 8 are being hateful. In the name of free speech, they are trying to silence others free speech. In the name of tolerance, they are intolerant towards Christians. & then there is the media compliancy shown at the end when the newscaster makes it sound like the 80 year old lady was just as hatefilled. I guess that lie enables them to justify the attacks, just like the lies told by the Nazi & Fascist supporters allowed them to justify their evil actions.
Watching the treatment of the 80 yr old lady didn't surprize me. I have seen the same behavior by those who are pro-abortion. I was down at a Pro-Life march in Iowa City back in the 80s when I got my 1st real taste of this "culture of death" style of fascist behavior.
I suspect we will see much more of this type of behavior ahead. In fact the "culture of death" minions will be even louder, angrier & violent towards us who stand up for what is right. They won't like the fact that we won't shut up, give up & go away.
As for the media compliancy, go back to my previous post on the media spin of the "partisan" bishops. Same agenda, what we see is another prong of the "culture of death"'s fascist workings.
At 11/11/08 5:51 PM ,
Smiley said...
It is their time. Remember that all they have is victoryma on this earth. But true victory is in the world to come. So let us pray and be awake and watchful.
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