Actually, it makes those who refuse to follow the teachings of the Church at risk for HELL.
What am I talking about? The comments by the usual gang of Catholics in Name Only (CINO) who hated the fact that a large group of Catholic Bishops actually had to courage to say that if you are Catholic you can't support abortion. They are basically saying that when you speak up to defend life you are partisan. Notice, it is OK for them to stand up & oppose war completely, claim it is based on their faith, thus saying you have to vote Democratic & say they are nonpartisan. But if you say you can't vote for a Pro-abortion candidate for president, or if you tell Biden & Pelosi they are mis-stating Catholic teaching, then you are partisan.
My evdence?
Let's start with the former editor of America Magazine, Fr. Thomas Reese S.J. now of Georgetown University. He was (unofficially) forced out as editor because of the way the magazine undermined authentic Catholic teaching. (It still hasn't imprroved much.) In an article published by the Dallas Morning News on Sunday he said that: "Episcopal authority took a major hit during the election.” Talking about this week's meeting he said: “(the) division between the vocal, partisan bishops and the silent, nonpartisan bishops will be a major issue at the Baltimore meeting.” Reese also called for the Bishops to shut up about the evils of abortion & concentrate on practical political engagement for “reducing abortions”. In other words, only if you work with Obama & don't challenge his abortion stand, you are non-partisan.
Then there is Peter Steinfels former editor of another sterling example of an CINO magazine, Commonweal. Last week in his NY Times (speaking of partisan) article he said that "anyone constructing a list of the big losers on Tuesday would probably include the nation’s Roman Catholic bishops." My question is, by who's standards, your or God's?
National Catholic Reporter's John Allen Jr. wrote: “some analysts, especially those of a more liberal bent, are spinning the election of Barak Obama as a ‘repudiation’ of what they see as an overly strident and partisan tone from the bishops, especially on abortion. A few ardently pro-life Catholics, meanwhile, actually believe that what they call ‘silence and treachery’ from the bishops on abortion helped pave the way for Obama’s success.”
I hate to break it to those so-called expert analysts, but those people who voted for Obama repudiated the teachings of the Catholic Church long before the Bishops spoke up. & those Bishops who were silent were, in some cases, not only treacherous, but treasonous as well. Also, the truth isn't determined by the majority. I would remind them that back in the 3rd to 4th Century AD, the majority of Bishops supported Arianism. Yet, the Church didn't go with majority rule. The Council of Nicaea, guided by the Holy Spirit, declared Arianism a heresy.
According to a CNA article, last week "several prominent Catholic commentators argued that the bishops had "lost authority" by speaking out strongly against Catholics voting for pro-abortion politicians, like Sen. Barack Obama and other mostly Democratic candidates, who were elected to office last Tuesday."
Sorry, but the Bishops who spoke out & upheld the authentic teaching of the Church didn't lose a thing. Authority has nothing to do with majority rule. It has to do with standing up & proclaiming the truth. What happened wasn't a loss. It was just the opposite. In the eyes those who are sincerely looking for the truth, these Bishops grew in respect. These people saying the Bishops lost authority never respected it in the 1st place. & they hated the public reminders these Bishops provided for them. these Pro-abortion CINOs are trying to stop the Bishops from exercising their God given authority.
A Bishop loses authority when he misrepresents the teachings of the Church. He loses it when he abandons it for popularity or money. he loses it when he runs away from the exercise of it.
It looks like the Bishops may not be running away from the issue this week as was reported last week. Writing in his column this past weekend, Archbishop John Vlazny of Portland said: “We plan to set aside time to discuss practical and pastoral implications of political support for abortion, an issue that remains problematic for us and our people.”
He went on to say: “The mission of our Conference calls all of us bishops to act collaboratively and consistently on the important issues which confront the church and society. Furthermore it helps us foster communion with the church in other nations under the leadership of the Holy Father."
For those who would silence the Bishops, Archbishop Vlazny makes it clear that if the Bishops are to truly do their job, silence is not an option.
Also, for those of you who want to silence them, I have some news. Your actions put you in the same boat as those who stoned the prophets to silence them. It puts you in the same boat as those tried to silence Jesus. I can't speak for you, but I know this isn't the boat I want to be in. Its destination is just a little too warm for me.
(Added 2:29 AM) I just came across this & I have to add it to this post.
Add imprudent to the list of things speaking up to proclaim the Gospel truth is. In a post on his
Vancouver Sun blog (
Sarah Palin choice alienated Catholics, Jews, Muslims, non-religious), Douglas Todd wrote: "
A few imprudent bishops even warned tens of millions of faithful American Catholics that casting a ballot for Obama could threaten their immortal souls." I guess that the Bishop is supposed to ignore God's call to be a watchman if it isn't prudent by the World's standards. I'll stick with Paul's call to preach the Gospel in season & out of season instead.
Of course he points out that 54% of Catholics voted for Obama. "To vote Democrat, many American Catholics had to ignore the instructions of high-profile bishops who urged adherents to not vote for a candidate like Obama, who is pro-choice on abortion." He fails to mention that most of those that did are CINOs. & guess who he quotes? Fr. Thomas Reese S.J. "The laity repudiated [Catholic bishops'] description of the Democratic Party as the party of death." No, Fr. Reese, they renewed their credentials as members of the "culture of death". What they repudiated was Christ & His Church. Just as you have repudiated your vocation as a Jesuit by undermining the teachings of the Church & esp the teaching authority of the Pope.
Refering to a Pew poll Todd says the results showed: "75 million self-declared Catholics are following their own consciences." Self-declared is a good term. & I would remind Todd that following your conscious counts only if it is pro[perly formed. & the Church has made it clear that a properly formed conscious cannot support abortion as these people did by their vote.
Mr. Todd, you are wrong. McCain's choice of Palin didn't alieniate those people who are truly Catholic (or Jewish) she drew us in. Those who claim to be Catholic, but are pro-choice alienated themselves a long time ago. In fact, those mainline Christians you refer to are mostly those who have repudiated 2000 yrs of Christianity & those doctrines that are found in the Bible. They are the people Paul warned about that preach another Gospel. They are the ones he said were on the road to destruction. God's word, not mine.
Given what I read about Mr. Todd's background, I am not surprized at all by his approach. I know he doesn't believe it, but, he is on the same boat & heading in the same direction as the others I mentioned above.
For all of you, it is not too late to abandon ship, repent & turn to God for forgiveness.
At 11/11/08 5:07 AM ,
kronosmen said...
Robert Gleason
I have been a practicing Catholic, without interruption, for over 80 years and I state with certainty that I shall remain so until I die.
Once again the question of abortion has been thrust into the center of U.S. politics. It is being used as a wedge issue aided and abetted by the higher leaders of my church primarily the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. This should not be. The present “gotcha” question or litmus test thrown at Catholic offices seekers today is, “When does life begin”? That is a no brainier. Of course biological life begins at conception and continues uninterrupted until birth. Otherwise there would be no child. However, that is not the question.
The overriding question is, when does the fetus take a human form and, when is a soul infused into this human form. This is an area where the church has been somewhat ambiguous throughout the ages. Saint Thomas Aquinas and before him Saint Augustine developed the thesis that although life began at conception human life as created by God does not begin until the moment of “quicken” (first discernable movement of the child in the womb) when God “ensouls” the fetus, it then becomes a human being. Although abortion has always been held to be a serious sin by these early saints and their Popes it was not considered murder if it occurred before quicken, nor was it held to be anathema to the soul as it is now portrayed. In fact at one time the church held that the penance assigned for abortion must continue for 18 months and for fornication and adultery, a lifetime.
An erroneous impression prevalent within the political sphere is that the Catholic Church’s position favors the pro-life movement vs. the pro-choice people. The church does little to discourage this thought. In reality the church stands strongly against all abortion. Including abortions related to incest, rape, and for saving the life of the mother. The church is right in this respect. All aborted children are equally innocent in the eyes of God regardless of how they were conceived. However, 99 % of pro-life politicians are really semi pro-life and accept abortions in the case of three exceptions listed above. However Bishops vocally condemn pro-choice office seekers, while giving the pro-life people a free pass. They publicly threaten to excommunicate pro-choice office seekers by name while ignoring all “semi” pro-lifers. This to me seems to be politically motivated, and has the intended effect of influencing the voters of their congregations. It should be noted that no Pope has ever promulgated his position “Ex Cathedra” (Invoking the doctrine of Papal Infallibility), and. for good reason. To do so and to later modify its guidance would undermine this immutable Catholic doctrine.
My overriding concern is not with my churches position on abortion. I can accommodate that. Rather it is with the increasing attempts by its Bishops to influence, or intimidate Catholic elected officials, by superimposing religious convictions over political issues. This I believe is in conflict with the sprit if not the letter of the US constitution. Also, Christ’s teaching on this issue is very clear. “Render unto Caesar the thing that are Caesar and to God the things that are God”.
To me the real heroes of my church are the parish Priest. These are the ones who are “in the trenches” with the people. They administer to the sick the dying. They comfort the spiritually and psychologically troubled. Also they are occasionally required to absorb the “slings and arrows” of an angry laity. By and large they remain apolitical, dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of their people. These are the ones whom I think of when I meditate on the life of Christ on earth. These are the ones who hold our church together.
At 11/11/08 6:58 AM ,
Al said...
1. I don't know why you sent the same comment twice, but I am only publishing it once.
2. Let me remind you that being Catholic does require you to accept a certain set of beliefs. & that abortion is an intrinsic evil, & all that follows is part of it.
It is a Bishop's duty to preach the truth, to call sin sin & to call the people to follow God's ways.
It has nothing to do with gotcha, unless keeping a soul out of Hell has anything to do with gotcha. In that case, Jesus' death on the Cross was the biggest gotcha of all.
As for the rehash of the Biden/Pelosi misrepresentation of Catholic teaching, I suggwest you go back & reread Cardinal Rigali/Bishop Lori's response (or Archbishop Chaput,s & many others)that refutes all that you & they said.
beyond that, I am friends with many priests who are "in the trenches". Some of them are faithful to their vocation & preach the truth. Others sell a watered down, feel good version of the Gospel that is simply helping to speed their parishoners (& their) journey to Hell.
I could go on & on with the errors & misrepresentations in what you say. But I won't. It would be simpler to say read the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as the Compendium of Social Teaching. It will shoot down everything you said.
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