O Great Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of your meek and humble Savior, and devoted Child of the Mother of God: enkindle within my heart one spark of that heavenly fire of charity which glowed in your heart and made you an angel of love. O glorious Saint Gerard, because when falsely accused of crime, you did bear, like your Divine master, without murmur or complaint, the calumnies of wicked men, you have been raised up by God as the Patron and Protector of expectant mothers. Preserve me from danger and from the excessive pains accompanying childbirth, and shield the child which I now carry, that it may see the light of day and receive the lustral waters of baptism through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Prayer for Expectant Mothers to St. Gerard)"The Most Blessed Sacrament is Christ made visible. The poor sick person is Christ again made visible." - St. Gerard
Almighty and Eternal Father, in your all-wise providence you have raised up St. Gerard Majella to be the glorious protector of the mother and her unborn child Humbly we ask you that, through the powerful intercession of this, your faithful servant, we might have the courage to oppose the forces of anti-life in this world and to stand firm in our support of life in all stages of its development Grant that the ideal of the Christian family may flourish to the praise and glory of your Holy Name We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen (Pro-Life Prayer to St. Gerard)
Today is the feast of St. Gerard Majella, he was an earlier member of the
Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists). St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori, founder of the order, considered him a miracle of obedience. He was born in Muro, Italia in April, 1726. He died at Caposele on 16 October, 1755 from tuberculosis. He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII on 29 January, 1893, & canonized by Pope Pius X on 11 December, 1904. His father, Dominic Majella, died when Gerard was 12. His mother apprenticed him to a tailor. He was treated well by his master, but cruelly by the foreman. He left his apprenticeship to serve a prelate. After the prelate's death Gerard went back to being a tailor. He joined the Redemptorists in 1749.
At 1 time in his life, he was falsely accused of sexual impropriety. When called by St. Alphonsus to answer the accusations, Gerard remained silent. When St. Gerard was later cleared, St. Alphonsus asked him why he hadn't defended himself. His reply: "How could I, my Father? Does not the Rule forbid me to excuse myself and to bear in silence whatever mortifications are imposed by the Superior?"
He had a deep love for the Eucharist. Like Padre Pio he was gifted with infused knowledge enabling him to read souls, as well as the gifts of discernment of spirits, penetration of hearts & bilocation. He often went into ecstasies in front of the Eucharist, floating in the air at times. He also was gifted with what seemed an unlimited power over nature, sickness, & devils. A miracle involving a handkerchief of his played a part in his becoming the patron of expectant mothers & unofficial patron of the Pro-Life movement.
In his honor, I took Gerard as my confirmation name back in 1965. I suspect his influence is why I am so strongly Pro-life.
If you want to know more about his life, I recommend
St. Gerard Majella The Wonder-worker and Patron of Expectant Mothers, by Rev. Edward Saint-Omer. It is published by TAN Books.
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