I-1000 Highway to Death
Actually this is not an entirely new front in the culture wars: Oregon blazed the euthanasia trail in 1997 when their physician-assisted suicide law went into effect. Now, the Washington State Initiative 1000 (I-1000) is almost a carbon copy of the Oregon law and just as deadly. I would invite all our Spirit and Life® readers to support with prayer and donations the group called the “Washington Coalition Against Assisted Suicide” in their efforts to stop I-1000.
The euthanasia worldview is based on the “Quality of Life” ethic (where the value of life is dependent upon lifestyle considerations) as opposed to the “Sanctity of Life” ethic (where life is valued in itself).
This worldview says that sickness and suffering are meaningless even though we have better medical technology and palliative (pain-control) care than ever before in the history of humanity; it doesn’t acknowledge that human suffering always creates opportunities for generosity, heroism and even sanctification.
Decisions to euthanize people are based primarily on utilitarian concerns rather than on human decency despite all the lip service to “compassion” and “mercy” that are used to promote it; talk of healthcare rationing is simply preparing the way for a great killing spree for the sick and elderly.
Euthanasia advocates distort language to make killing seem like a virtue: words like “autonomy” and “self-determination” mimic the “freedom of choice” rhetoric of abortion; in fact, the main euthanasia advocacy group in Washington State is actually called “Compassion and Choices.”
Medical professionals are transformed from healers into killers—suicide-assisting doctors essentially become the new abortionists of the sick and elderly.
Requirements for safeguards, reporting, informed consent, etc. are talked about with such seriousness when they are trying to get laws passed and then are ignored when the laws go into effect; and there is never any real enforcement of the laws once they are on the books.
The moral slippery slope gets steeper when you legalize killing; “death with dignity” and the “right to die” soon become the “duty to die” just as “a woman’s right to choose” usually drives away any other options but abortion.
Please join HLI in helping the good folks in Washington State defeat this euthanasia initiative: it could be a life-or-death fight for us all.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
At 17/10/08 1:46 PM ,
Namų Darkytoja said...
The issue of voluntary euthanasia and its legality is one of the most debated dilemmas of society.
What is your position in euthanasia debate? Do you see pros or cons as more convincing? Vote, and tell us your view. http://www.votetheday.com/society-18/is-euthanasia-legal-320
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