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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says Yahweh Sabaoth" Zach 4:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dio di Signore, nella Sua volontà è nostra pace!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin 1759

Friday, October 17, 2008

Bishop Steinbock Takes Canon 813 Seriously, Suspends Dissident Priest

Manassas, Va. – A priest who served as campus minister in Fresno , Calif. , at the St. Paul Newman Center , has been removed and suspended from the priesthood by the Bishop of Fresno, Most Rev. John Steinbock. Father Geoffrey Farrow declared his own homosexuality in a TV interview on October 5. He is accused of urging students at Mass to oppose Proposition 8, the proposed California ballot measure to amend the state Constitution defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

Patrick J. Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society, which supports the bishops and works to strengthen Catholic identity on campus, applauded the dismissal of the wayward priest.

“Bishop Steinbock has set a wonderful example and clearly recognizes the importance of faithful campus ministers,” Reilly said. “It’s essential that students are taught the truth about Christ without distortion or dissent.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, Bishop Steinbock wrote the following in a letter to Father Farrow: "Your statement contradicted the teaching of the Catholic Church and has brought scandal to your parish community as well as the whole Church.” In addition to suspending him from the priesthood, Bishop Steinbock also revoked Father Farrow’s diocesan salary and health benefits and directed him to leave the diocese-owned Newman Center .
According to the Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law, the local bishop not only has authority over Catholic campus ministry, but also the responsibility to ensure the integrity of the spiritual life of young people.

Canon 813 states: “The diocesan bishop is to have serious pastoral concern for students by erecting a parish for them or by assisting priests for this purpose on a stable basis; he is also to provide for Catholic university centers at universities, even non-Catholic ones, to give assistance, especially spiritual to young people.”

“This incident serves as an important reminder that campus ministry at both Catholic and non-Catholic colleges is properly under the oversight of the local bishop,” Reilly said. ”By exercising this authority, Bishop Steinbock has done a great service to Catholic students and their families.”

During the following Sunday Mass at the St. Paul Newman Center in Fresno, Bishop Steinbock’s letter affirming Proposition 8 was read. Some applauded, while others walked out of the Church.
Here is the text of the Letter to the People of God at St. Paul Newman Center sent by the Bishop:

Bishop John T. Steinbock, Diocese of Fresno
Letter to the People of God at St. Paul Newman Center
October 11, 2008
My Dear People of God at Newman Center,
I do want to apologize for the actions of Fr. Farrow at the 11 o'clock service last Sunday. Without any previous notification, he has left the active ministry. I must correct his presentation of the teaching of the Church last Sunday. He was not in accord with the teaching of the Church handed down to us from the Apostles.
The Church has always taught that any expression of sexual love, outside of marriage, is against the law of God. This is true whether a person is homosexual or heterosexual. The gift of sex has been given to us that through the expression of love between a man and a woman within marriage, new life comes into this world. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and the two shall become as one." (Matthew 19:6) The power of sex within marriage is related to the creative power of God Himself, through the complementarity of sexes, even when persons are physically or medicaly unable to bear children.
Proposition 8 has nothing to do with the legal rights of homosexuals. Two homosexuals living together in the state of California already have the legal rights of married persons through the domestic partner law. Those against Proposition 8 would redefine marriage and would change our understanding of the very nature of marriage and the family, which is the very foundation of our society.
The Bishops of California clearly encourage everyone to vote yes on Proposition 8 to preserve the understanding the nature of marriage, both from our Christian tradition and from time immemorial. The Church never speaks about voting for particular candidates or for political parties, but has a moral and legal right to speak out about moral issues, especially as related to propositions on our ballot.
The Church speaks often about the right to life, the need for health care for the poor, protecting the rights of immigrants, protecting the vulnerable that may be facing death, as well as protecting the true nature of marriage and the family. These, and other issues like them, are not simply political issues. They are moral issues, and as Catholics we have a responsibility to form our consciences according to the teaching of Scripture and the constant teaching of the Church, and vote accordingly.
The teaching to the Church in these matters did not arise with Proposition 8 but has been constant through the last two thousand years. The Church speaks out strongly for the human rights of everyone, including those of homosexuals. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states clearly: Homosexuals “must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.” (2358) The Church can never change its teaching on marriage and the family, and the true nature and purpose of the gift of sexual love, through which husband and wife reflect in marriage the very createive and unending love of God Himself.
Until I appoint a priest to take charge of Newman Center, which should be approximately within six weeks, I am appointing Deacon John Supino as temporary administrator of Newman Center. Most of the Sunday liturgies will have a priest present, but in an emergency, John will celebrate the Sunday Celebration of the Eucharist in the Absense of a Priest, and this will fulfill the Sunday obligation.
We are blest as members of the Catholic Community to have the constant teaching of the Church to unite us in our Faith, handed down from the Apostles. the Church preaches the truth to lead and guide us in the face of whatever might be politically correct at any given moment in time. Be not afraid. God is with you.
My prayers are with all of you. Pray for Fr. Farrow. Pray for priests. Pray for Vocations. Pray for the Bishop. God bless you all.
In Christ our Lord,
Most Rev. John T. Steinbock


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