Or should I say safe for whom?
From the draft copy of the 2008 Democratic Party Platform, pg 50: "The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right."
I have just 1 question for Barack & the Dems:
After seeing that picture are there any questions as to why I left the Democratic Party?
Source: Democratic Party Platform Draft Backs Abortion, Tries to Moderate Image LifeNews
H/T: The Catholic Cavemen
At 14/4/09 11:35 PM ,
AnnaER said...
How can this be right? How can anyone look at this and say it's not a human being? Let's be strong woman and take responsibility for our actions! Not hide behind phrases like "it's my body" and "pro-choice." If we buy into those, we loose sight of what abortion really is... and this image is definitely the truth of abortion.
At 27/4/09 5:42 PM ,
luna o said...
what if the problem with women s and having a baby firstable if you dint want a baby why did you open your legs without using protection why do you have to take a innocent life if you don't want the baby have it and give it to a family that wants a child and the cant have it why you killing a gods creation this is evil from the devil is not god things god loves us what the hell im only 14 and this is my opinion grow up womens and take responsibility
At 6/5/09 7:54 PM ,
Nihilist said...
Lol everything in the world is ugly, if it only takes a picture to describe to you whats right and wrong then you aren't open minded or your probably to emotional. I understand both sides to a story, but just because you see something as wrong doesn't mean the other person who doesn't see it the way you do should suffer. If it doesn't affect your life in anyway why would you care? Someone who acts this way would do great in the crusade years, where your way is right and your personal destiny is to make your right be everyone else's.
At 5/7/09 1:31 AM ,
SafiyaJ said...
Not all democrats feel the same way about abortion and you are a foolish girl to think that a republican has never had an abortion.
At 5/7/09 1:38 AM ,
Al said...
I never said all Dems. But abortion is the official Democratic stand & embraced wholeheartedly by the leadership, as well as locally. I was basicly made to feel unwelcome for being pro-life.
As for Republicans, i never said some of them didn't either.
Alveda King is 1 who admits to having had 1 as qwell as regretting it.
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