News report:
Solar Systems Like Ours May Be Rare"As humans look farther into the universe and discover more and more planets beyond the sun, many wonder how typical our own solar system is. Often astronomers in the planet-hunting business say discoveries of Earth-like worlds are just around the corner.
But a new study indicates our setup may be rare indeed.
A group of astronomers surveyed sun-like stars in the Orion nebula open cluster and found that fewer than 10 percent have enough surrounding dust to make Jupiter-sized planets.
"We think that most stars in the galaxy are formed in dense, Orion-like regions, so this implies that systems like ours may be the exception rather than the rule," said researcher Joshua Eisner, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley.
That's important because giant planets like Jupiter may be instrumental in fostering life on rocky worlds like Earth.
Eisner and his team observed about 250 stars in the million-year-old Orion Nebula, looking for dense disks of dust surrounding the stars that could be forming planets. They found that only about 10 percent of the stars emitted radiation in the frequency that would indicate they have these proto-planetary disks of warm dust. And only 8 percent of the stars surveyed had dust disks with masses greater than one-hundredth the mass of the sun, a mass thought to be the lower limit for formation of Jupiter-sized planets.
These findings seem to agree with what planet hunters are finding so far when they use radial velocity studies to detect extrasolar planets around other stars. (The radial velocity approach involves looking for a wobble in a star's motion caused by the slight gravitational pull of an orbiting planet.)
"The current numbers are suggesting 6 to 10 percent of stars have Jupiter-sized planets, which is exactly consistent with our findings," Eisner told" (emphasis mine)
I have to start by saying that finding another planet with sentient life on it will not affect my faith 1 way or another. There is nothing in the Bible or Catholic teaching that says there cannot be life elsewhere. Of course, if you want to be technical, there IS life elsewhere besides Earth. There are angels in Heaven, souls in Heaven, souls in hell, demons in hell.
I also have to add that when I mean that Earth is the center of the universe, I am speaking figuratively. Given that the universe (cosmos) appears to be infinite, everywhere & nowhere are the center. What I mean by center is that we are the focus of God's purpose in creating the universe. Why?
Despite what some anti-God people claim, the facts are becoming more & more apparent that there has to be a purpose in why things are as they are. Given the fact that they haven't found any more places where human life can survive, it is looking more & more like Earth was designed specifically by God to hold human life.
If things popped up totally by chance, then why is it becoming apparent that the odds are against a Solar System like ours?
When you check out the variety of stars, there are quite a few like our Sun. There doesn't seem to be any special preference for or against that type (class G). Yet, while they have found what they call super-Earths they haven't found any twins to Earth.
Given the variety of planets & moons in our Solar System alone, I would expect there to be no less variety elsewhere. & as time goes on, there might even be 1 or 2 that might, just might, be somewhat similar to Earth. I won't close the door on the possibility. The ability to find even giant planets or super-Earths is fairly recent. As our technology improves they might find an Earth twin.
So, if we do find another Earthlike planet that doesn't mean there will be life on it. & if there is, that it will be sentient. Even more important than sentience is whether or not the beings have an immortal soul. If they do, then they were made just as much in the image & likeness of God as we were. Will our sin have affected them? I don't know! These are questions that don't really matter now. & when they do, we will already have the answers.
Whatever may, or may not, be out there, the fact is that God created it. & in the end, that is the biggest problem that most so-called atheists have. The existence of God. By so-called, I am refering to that group that claims God doesn't exist, yet everything they do seems to be a fight against God. They have a very visible hatred towards God. How can you hate something that doesn't really exist? You don't.
My answer is simple, & 1 they will deny. They know deep down that God really does exist. Because He does, that means there are some things that are intrinsicly sinful. & they don't want to give up their sinfulness. They are looking for any & every way to deny this. & they know that in the end they can't. God does exist, there is sucha thing as sin. Jesus died for our sins. & they will have to answer for their choice to accept or reject Him.
I am sure that some athiests can come up with answers to my questions. & some may be able to express themselves in a way that is much, much better than the poor job I have done defending my views in this post. But, will they be valid arguements, or wishful thinking on their part? I supect the latter.
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