So,what is an Eucharistic Congress?
"A Eucharistic Congress should be considered according to the Roman Ritual De comunione et de cultu mysterii eucaristici extra missam (1973) n. 109, “as a gathering (statio) to which a local church invites the other churches of the same region or of the same nation or of the whole world”."
Who puts them on?
The Holy Father convokes an International Eucharistic Congress at the place proposed by a local Ordinary (Bishop) or by an Episcopal Conference." For this year's conference Cardinal Marc Ouellet as head of the
Archdiocese of Quebec is President of the Congress. He set up a Planning Committee to oversee its main directions and major decisions.
Why are the held?
To increase "understanding and participation in the Eucharistic Mystery in all its aspects: from the celebration to worship extra missam, so that its influence permeates the whole of personal and social living."
The main venue of the 2008 Congress is “ExpoCité” the city's fair grounds. Many other sites throughout the city will also be used. The closing Eucharist will be held on the Plains of Abraham.
Each day will have it's own subtheme. For Monday it wil be "The Eucharist, Gift of God Par Excellence". Tuesday's is "The Eucharist, Memorial of the Paschal Mystery". On Wednesday it will be "The Eucharist Builds up the Church, the Sacrament of Salvation". For Thursday it is "The Eucharist, the Life of Christ in our Lives". Friday's theme is "The Eucharist and Missions". & for Saturday it is "Witnesses to the Eucharist in the Midst of the World".
There will be a variety of speakers & other activities (Full schedule
here). The speakers include Archbishop Donald Wuerl (DC), Cardinal Philippe Barbarin Archbishop of Lyon, primate of the Gauls (France), Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J. Archbishop of Buenos Aires, primate of Argentina & Cardinal Yvan Dias, prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization of the Peoples.
Naturally, there will be a Eucharistic Liturgy every day. The 1 for the 18th will be an Eastern Rite liturgy (it doesn't say which rite). There will be a variety of workshops. Various sites will be set up for Eucharistic adoration. On Thursday nite there will be a Eucharistic Procession throughout Quebec City. & there will be plenty of youth activities as well.
As a part of the lead up to the Congress there has been a symbolic object on pilgrimage throughout Canada. The object is called
The Ark of the New Covenant. It is in the shape of a boat & conveys the symbolism of bothe the Old Testament Ark & New Testament Ark(Mary). Follow the link for a complete description & explaination of the symbolism. The last leg of the trip includes stops at
Canada's 5 National Shrines.
For each Congress a foundational
Theological Document is developed. According to the website, the current document "
develops the richness of the Eucharist. It first presents the gift God makes of himself in this Sacrament. Then it explains the Covenant bonds which God creates with his Church. Finally, it shows the mission entrusted to every person celebrating the Eucharist, a mission to offer life to the world. The document helps with the spiritual preparation for the 2008 International Eucharistic Congress."
I think some of the words Papa Benedetto had to say in his
Address to the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses on 9 November 2006 gives an excellent explanation of the importance of these Congresses as well as why, if possible anyone who can should attend the Congress: "
It is true! The Eucharistic Congresses that take place from time to time in different places and on different continents are always a source of spiritual renewal, an opportunity to become better acquainted with the Blessed Eucharist, which is the most precious treasure Christ has bequeathed to us. They are also an encouragement to the Church to spread Christ's love in every social milieu and to witness to it unhesitatingly."
"How great is humanity's need today to rediscover the source of its hope in the Sacrament of the Eucharist! I thank the Lord because many parishes, as well as celebrating Holy Mass devoutly, are educating the faithful in Eucharistic Adoration, and I hope also in view of the upcoming International Eucharistic Congress that this practice will continue to spread."
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