The real news would have been if McCain had won or come close to winning, then Romney might have had some worries. What got me is all the analysis on the Republican side. Hot air & little substance.
On the Dem side, this was, sort of, meaningless. No delegates, no contest, yet Hillary barely got 55% of the vote. Undecided got 40%. It makes you wonder what might have happenned had it been contested. Would more Dems have voted? Would they have gone for Obama or Edwards, thus giving Hillary a defeat? The world will never know!
Meanwhile 3 major events, 3 results, big deal. All I see at this point is barring a major screw-up by 1 of the candidates on either side, Super Tuesday will come & go & nothing will be settled. Then watch the punditry that suopported things like that turn on it with a vengance. Or make excuses & putting the blame on Iowa & New Hampshire.
Anyway, I do have 1 thought/question? With all the hot air coming from the debates & the on air pundits, there must be some way of tapping it. If so it would simultaneously stop global warming & end the energy crisis. Just an idea!
So here are the current approximate delegate counts on the Republican side using NPR's
2008 Election website info:
Romney - 42
Huckabee - 32
McCain - 13
Thompson - 3
Hunter - 1
(Note several states including Iowa have some delegates that go to the National Convention that are automatically uncommitted.)
Romney - 52
Huckabee - 22
McCain - 15
Thompson - 6
Giuliani - 1
Hunter - 1
(For some reason, they have 6 more delegates awarded.)
So what do the numbers mean. Not much at this point. Just that people like to make guesses about the actual counts. But Iowa's delegates aren't officially assigned & won be decieded on until the District & State Conventions, so Iowa's numbers are a big guess. & so are some of the others.
Like I said, a lot of hot air. After Super Tuesday, well, then there will be some serious counts that may mean something. Until then, it is all a lot of posing & bloviating.
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