Paul in his Epistle to the Romans:
"Just as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man's obedience are many to be made upright. " Romans 5:19
"Brothers, my dearest wish and my prayer to God is for them, that they (the Jews) may be saved." Romans 10:1
"I want it to be the means of rousing to envy the people who are my own blood-relations (The Jews) and so of saving some of them." Romans 11:14
Ann Coulter on the Donnie Deutch Show:
DEUTSCH: We should all be Christian?
DEUTSCH: We should all be Christian?
COULTER: Yes. Would you like to come to church with me, Donny?…
COULTER: No, we think — we just want Jews to be perfected.
A major them of Paul in Romans IS his desire that all Jews come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In other words come to the perfection that they are called to come to found in the Torah.
For reiterating what the Church has taught for nearly 2000 yrs & continues to teach, Ann Coulter is criticized by groups like CAIR who are the real anti-semites (My opinion, they are using this to cover their hatred of the Jewish people.) 1 website has posted a $1000 reward for a video of Ann Coulter being pelted by bagels. (
"Pelt Ann Coulter With Bagels And Win $1000!")
The FedEx bit is a bit innacurate, but I don't hear any calls to forcible conversion, just the desire that they be saved. The same desire that Jesus, St. Paul, St. Peter & the other Apostles had.
When Jesus' comments to the rich young man or to His disciples about the Eucharist offended them & drove them away, He didn't apologize for saying the truth. Nor did Paul when he criticized the Jews for their lack of faith by rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If Jesus wanted the Jewish people to accept Him as Messiah & Savior, who am I to disagree?
The reality is, this is a distraction to the real problem that is out there, Islamo-fascism. The thing that groups like CAIR ARE defending & supporting. If the radical branch of Islam, as represented by people like Irani President Ahmadinejad, get their way, they will make Hitler look like an amateur. Jews & Christian alike will be attacked & killed in the name of Allah. I know that a lot of people won't want to hear this, but the more I see the state of things, the more I see us heading the way of Pre-WW II Germany & Italia. I pray I am wrong in my concerns, & will do all I can to see that they don't come true. & a part of that is to call those of the Islamic faith who claim that it is a religion of peace to publicly denounce people like Ahmadinejad & his ilk in no uncertain terms. Your silence on Ahmadinejad, et al speaks louder than any claims to the contrary.
At 14/10/07 6:06 PM ,
Ernst said...
I think Christians need to work on perfecting themselves first before they start worrying about perfecting others. Christians never seem to understand why Jews get so upset when they hear Ann Coulter’s comments or see Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ celebrated. No matter what an individual Jew may believe or not believe about Jesus and his teachings, there is one thing that almost all Jews are in agreement. To Jews, Jesus is as far from being the prince of peace as can be possible. For Two Thousand years, Christians in the name of Jesus have thrown out the Ten Commandments when dealing with Jews. An early Christian Church leader by the name of Chrysostom denounced Jews as 'most miserable of all men' -- 'lustful, rapacious, greedy, perfidious bandits' -- 'inveterate murderer, destroyers, men possessed by the devil' -- 'debauchery and drunkenness have given them the manners of the pig and the lusty goat' -- 'pests of the universe' -- 'they have surpassed the ferocity of wild beasts, for they murder their offspring.' It did not take long for words like this to incite Christians to torment and kill their Jewish neighbors. Historians report that the First Crusade led to the death of one quarter to one third of the Jewish population of Germany before the Crusaders ever placed one boot on the soil of the Holy Land. Tens of Thousands of Jews were killed because Christian leaders blamed Jews for poisoning the wells and starting the Black Plague. Jews soon learned to greatly fear the production of a local passion play. Nothing incited rape, looting and mass murder better then the call for revenge on the Jews for killing their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The death count is believed to be in the Thousands for some towns and villages and over a Hundred Thousand in certain regions of Europe. The same year Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Christian rulers came up with a solution to the Jewish Problem. Their solution was for the Jews to convert to Christianity or be expelled from their kingdoms. The Spanish Inquisition used torture and murder to make sure the Jews who remained were sincere in their desire to worship Jesus. While almost every country in Western Europe made it illegal to be Jewish, those Jews who fled with only the clothes on their backs eventually found homes in Eastern Europe. These “unperfected” Jews did not find the peace and quiet they desired more than anything else. The Final solution to the Jewish problem, that lead to many indiscrimate killings and eventually led to the mass murder of Six Million Jews, was first proposed not by Hitler but by another famous German. Martin Luther in his treatise titled The Jews and Their Lies wrote that it “not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death. My advice, as I said earlier, is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire... Second, that all their books-- their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible-- be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted...Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country...Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing. For we cannot with a good conscience listen to this or tolerate it...” When Christians talk about a perfect world where everyone in it professes a belief in the divinity of Jesus, the first thing that Jews always wonder about is how far will Christians be willing to go this time to make their dreams come to fruition Many Jews believe that constant vigilance is the only thing preventing the horrors of the past from happening today. Even in a “Christian Nation” dedicated to religious freedom such as the United States of America.
At 14/10/07 6:15 PM ,
Ernst said...
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At 15/10/07 12:28 AM ,
Al said...
1st, I don't know why posted the same answer twice but I only put 1 up.
2nd, while it is true that, at times, some things have been done in the name of Christianity that were clearly deviant from the true meaning of Christianity, that doesn't change the facts of what God's word says in Romans & the rest of the NT.
3. As far as his claim about what most Jews says, Jesus is far from being the prince of peace. I never said they did. But, I know of a whole lot more Jews such as Michael Medved who would repudiate much of what Ernst said in his attack on Christainity.
The only thing missing here from some of the half truths & ommisions that he included with a few actual facts is his calling Jesus a bastard. There are rabbis & writings in places including the Talmud where Jesus is attacked. Yet, it seems Ernst thinks that it is OK to attack Christianity. He also seems to condone those Jewish who attacked people like Cardinal Lustiger for his converting. I could go on & on but I won't.
Besides, I think he better go back & check the history of WWII & see who it was that worked to protect & save the Jews. It wasn't people like George Soros, a jew who betrayed his own people. It was Christians, like Corrie ten Boom & her family & yes, Pope Pius XII & the Catholic Church, despite what a bunch of anti-Catholic revisionists have tried to claim since the 60s.
4. Finally, Ernst seems to be claiming that we are trying to once again force Jews to convert. We aren't no more than Paul wanted them to be forced. We just desire that they come to freely accept what IS a fact, Jesus IS the Messiah.
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