(Before I start, I have to state that I am a Brownback supporter. Even so, I have tried to do my best throughout to give as honest & unbiased an evaluation as I can. The last paragraph is the only exception to that.)
Thursday, 11 October 2007,
Sen. Sam Brownback appeared in the Marie Graber Ballroom at
Loras College in DBQ. IA. He spoke to about 100 people on the topic of
Pro-Life Means Whole-Life.
Sen. Brownback sees this as "The biggest moral issue of the day." He spoke very much from the heart about the evils of abortion & how much harm it does to "at least two victims", the child as well as the mother. He pointed out that these days about 90% of all children with Down's Syndrome are aborted. He spoke about how there ARE people who would want these children. He shared about his 2-9 yr old adopted children as well & all they have added to his family. At 1 point he got so emotional about his family that he had to pause for a moment.
He was honest about overturning Roe v Wade & Doe v Bolton. He pointed out how they were based on lies & how Norma McCorvey (Roe) & Sandra Cano (Doe) were used as pawns. He also said that having the Supreme Court overturn these would simply send it back to the states. He called for a constitutional amendment as the way to guarentee protection for every unborn child. Later, in a question from the audience he was asked about the dangers of back alley abortions. He pointed out some of the myths about that such as women still die from supposedly safe abortions.
He also talked about his efforts to provide women with the option of seeing a sonogram of their unborn child before having the abortion. He hit on the value of every human life again & again throughout his speech. He hammered away at how sacred each & every life is. "This is just too good a gift for us to destroy!"
He also talked on the subject of stem cell research. he pointed out that fetal stem cell research, besides being morally wrong, has only produced tumors & failure. But that using umbilical cord, adult & other morally acceptable sources has resulted in a variety of cures & treatments. He gave as examples the success with juvenile diabetes, spinal cord damage & others.
Se. Brownback made it clear that it is local activism that will change the tide on the abortion debate. He pointed out how the slavery debate was similar to the slavery debate. "Is it a human being or just property?" He said it took time for people's hearts to change but that it can be done again. "We can get it done here. Once we win this fight, it will reverberate arround the world."
After the speech, he opened the floor up for questions. They ranged for the war to social security.
He was asked by 1 person how he could support a fence on the Mexican Border. He pointed out that this was a matter of the "rule of law"as well as "human dignity". We need to look at ways to protect our country as well as provide a safe way for those who want to work to come in. As a part of the answer, he showed that even without the fence that those coming over are facing harm & death through the ways they are smuggled in. He was honest in admitting that no solution will be completely perfect, but that the solution would be much better that things are now.
In answer to another question, Sen. Brownback also talked a little about his plan to federalize Iraq. He sees it as the sure hope for a long range peaceful solution in the area. He will be presenting his plan with Sen. Biden (co-sponsor of his amendment dealing with this) today in Des Moines, IA. Each area will have local rule with Bagdad as the federal capital.
Th final question was about Social Security & dealing with the shortfall that was caused in part (as the questioner pointed out) by the 40 million abortions killing of those who would have paid in.. He asked everyone under 25 who believed Social Security would be there when they retired to raise their hand. No one did (& students made up between 1/3 to 1/2 of the crowd.) Then he asked how many of the same group believed in UFOs. He got 1 hand raised. He made it clear that what they were paying in was actually going to their grandparents. There is no fund. He called for allowing young people the option of investing 5% elsewhere.
Overall I was very impressed with how the Senator handled himself. He spoke from the heart & his answers to the questions were sincere & clearly NOT rotely memorized lines. That showed in the the way that he answered the questions. Some of the questions were difficult. He took time to pause & think as he spoke. & when he spoke, it wasn't a polished speech, but the same as if 2 people were having an informal coversation or discussion. He wasn't out to impress as much sincerely present himself as the best person for the job of President of the United States.
As I've pointed out before, I am supporting Sen. Brownback. & what I saw last night added to my belief that I am right to do so.
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