This Sounds More Like Something Monty Python Would Write:
Norwegian newspapers, citing research from Norway's technical university, said a motorist would have to drive 13,000 kilometers in a car to emit as much CO2 as a moose does in a year.
Bacteria in a moose's stomach create methane gas which is considered even more destructive to the environment than carbon dioxide gas."
Moose have been arround for how long? & now they are being considered a threat. This is just another proof of the absurdity of much of what the global warming moonbat community tries to push off as science.
We live in an ecosystem. This system is build arround the fact that every organism has an effect. The system was designed by God to balance out these effects. & despite mankinds failing to always take care of it as well as he could Earth's ecosystem is very flexable. In fact the latest info coming out proves that most of the claims that global warming is man-made are being thrown out the window. (New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Chill Global Warming Fears, NASA Global Warming Data Wrong, An Inconvenient Truth)
Besides, even if the Norwegian Moose are causing problems, Norway does have a solution that they are about to impliment: "Norway has some 120,000 moose but an estimated 35,000 are expected to be killed in this year's moose hunting season, which starts on September 25, Norwegian newspaper VG reported." This puts PETA (Moonbats for the Ethical Treatment of Aminals) in a quandry. If the oppose the killing of these moose so that the methane emmisions are cut, then they will appear to be anti-environment.
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