WQAD-TV (Channel 8, Moline, IL) has an 11 question quiz to find out which candidate (Republican or Democrat) is best aligned with your views. It has a disclaimer that states: "
This quiz is not meant to pick your candidate for you." It also points out that it is not scientific.
I have to agree that it isn't scientific. Why? A co-worker who is supporting Mitt Romney said that the test showed he lined up best with Tom Tancredo. Romney actually came in 6th. His results show either that the test isn't accurate. Or, IT IS & he is supporting the wrong candidate. (For reasons I won't go into here, I lean more strongly towards the latter reason for why the results came out as they did in his case.)
As for me, when I took the quiz it turned out exactly as I expected. It showed that I most agree with the stands of Sam Brownback, whom I am supporting. Duncan Hunter came in 2nd. & of all the Republicans Rudy ended up being, as I expected, the Republican I least agree with. He barely beat out the highest ranked Democrat, Joe Biden. Nor was I surprized at the fact that all the Democratic candidates were at the bottom of the list. In fact Hillary, Obama & Edwards ended up in a 3 way tie for last place. Again, no surprize to me.
I'm sure this won't be the last quiz like this to pop up. Some will be better, fairer, more even -handed than others. This seemed to be 1 of the better ones. I will say that the people who came up with it did their best to be even-handed in dealing with the topics. It asked specifically about embryonic stem cell research instead of lumping all types together. It also asked about being for or against abortion istead of using the term pro-choice. For a couple of the questions it even gave a short explanation of the topic for those who might not be familiar with it.
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