According to a
report on
Newsmax, Rudy Giuliani "
may be seeking to avoid controversy by choosing not to receive communion." If true, it is nice to see a Catholic in Name Only doing the right thing for once.
Ist of all Giuliani is pro-abortion. Many Catholics who are faithful to the magisterium of the Catholic Church have expressed dismay at how pro-abortion Catholics cause scandal by supporting abortion yet continuing to receive Communion despite the fat that both the
Vatican & the
US Conference of Catholic Bishops have made it clear that politicians who are Catholic & vote to uphold abortion rights should "
exclude themselves from communion" to keep from causing grave scandal by their actions.
It Giuliani's case there is a 2nd reason for him to not receive the Eucharist, his marriage to his 3rd wife. His 2nd marriage was in the Catholic Church & is still considered valid as he has never gotten it annuled. (My opinion, he knows that there is no basis for an annulment & that any attempt would fail.) By remarrying without the annulment he has put himself in a position where he is living a lifestyle of grave sin & thus made himself inelligble to receive the Eucharist.
Given that he doesn't uphold the Church's teachings on life & clearly flaunts his disobedience to the teachings on marriage & sexual morality, it is a bit of a surprize that he is considering not going to communion. However, apparently for once he has decided to obey Church teaching & Canon Law. If true, I have to applaud his doing the right thing.
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