Today is the feast of St. Thomas More.
St. Thomas More was born in Londodn England on 7 February 1478. He was a friend of King Henry VIII, who made St. Thomas Lord Chancellor of England (2nd only to the King) in October 1529. When King Henry wanted to divorce his 1st wife, Catherine of Aragon, The Vatican ruled that the marriage was valid & couldn't be annuled, nor could Henry divorce her. Henry, rather than submit, declared himself head of the Church of England. (We can see the fruit of that in the way things are in the various branches of the Anglican Church today.)
At this point, may 1932, St. Thomas decided to resign as chancellor because he could not support Henry's action. March 1534 saw the Act of Succession passed by Parliament. Part of the act required an Oath of Supremecy. This oath, when a person was asked to take it, required the person to acknowledge that the offspring of Henry & Anne Boleyn was the legitimate heir to the throne. It also called on the taker to repudiate any foreign authority, prince or potentate. This would include the Pope. Thomas More was called upon to take the oath. He refused, was imprisoned in the Tower of London, tried for treason, convicted & executed 6 July 1535.
At any point in tie, he could have saved his job by going along with what the King wanted. He decided to follow his conscience instead. Unlike many of today's Catholic politicians, he knew that his faith required him to act on it. "I'm personally opposed but" & THE REST OF THIS GARBAGE spewed out by Pro-Choice Catholic (in Name only) politicians & elected officials was anathama to him. Jesus Christ & living his faith came 1st, not power, not popularity, not fame. St. Thomas was willing to lay down his life for his faith, unlike the Pro-choice Catholics who are willing to lay down their faith to gain the whole world.
St. Thomas made the right choice, let us pray that those Pro-choice Catholic politicians will soon follow in his steps & turn their backs on support for abortion even if it costs them their elected office. & may those Catholic polititcians who are Pro-Life continue to stand strong in defense of Life & that God would protect them from any attacks they may experience that tempt them to waver from their faith.
V. Lord, have mercy
R. Lord have mercy
V. Christ, have mercy
R. Christ have mercy
V. Lord, have mercy
R. Lord have mercy
V. Christ hear us
R. Christ, graciously hear us
V. St. Thomas More, Saint and Martyr,
R. Pray for us (Repeat after each invocation)
St. Thomas More, Patron of Statesmen, Politicians and Lawyers
St. Thomas More, Patron of Justices, Judges and Magistrates
St. Thomas More, Model of Integrity and Virtue in Public and Private Life
St. Thomas More, Servant of the Word of God and the Body and Blood of Christ
St. Thomas More, Model of Holiness in the Sacrament of Marriage
St. Thomas More, Teacher of his Children in the Catholic Faith
St. Thomas More, Defender of the Weak and the Poor
St. Thomas More, Promoter of Human Life and Dignity
V. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world
R. Spare us O Lord
V. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world
R. Graciously hear us O Lord
V. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world
R. Have mercy on us
Let us pray: O Glorious St. Thomas More, Patron of Statesmen, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers, your life of prayer and penance and your zeal for justice, integrity and firm principle in public and family life led you to the path of martyrdom and sainthood. Intercede for our Statesmen, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers, that they may be courageous and effective in their defense and promotion of the sanctity of human life - the foundation of all other human rights. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
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