Monday I received a letter in the mail from Rudy Giuliani's
campaign asking me to join
Team Rudy. I suppose I'm supposed to be flattered, I'm not. I am on the
DBQ Co. Republican Central Committee & have been active in many a campaign in the past. So, I know why & how I got on his mailing list. I am on several other candidates mailing lists & will end up on more as the time for the caucuses draws closer.
There are several good candidates that I like & can readily support because of their stands. But Rudy is not 1 of them. I can hear you asking "PER CHE am I not supporting my paisan in his campaign?" Good question.
But before I answer "per che no", let me say a little about what I find positive about him.
1st & foremost has to be how he handled the events of 9-11 as mayor of New York City. He provided the strong leadership needed in the moments, hours, days & weeks following that horrible attack that was a declaration of war on the USA. There is no need to expand on this as most people are familiar with all that occured.
As mayor he also did a lot to clean up crime in the city. He restored Times Square to the jewel it was intended to be. & as US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, he took on the Mafia in the R.I.C.O. trial known as
The Mafia Commission Trial. He is strong on fiscal responsibility. These are just a few of the pluses.
So, what's the problem? Simple, his social policies that include supporting the right to an abortion. & while he has tried to mitigate some of the damage his stands on those issues have done among the base of the Republican party, he still is pro-abortion & thus a totally unacceptable candidate to me.
I hear you saying, that's being single issue. & to some extent it is true, but not entirely. As I said there are some of his other stands in relation to gay rights that I also disagree with. & some of his views on gun control are contrary to the 2nd Amendment.
But, as anyone who regularly reads this knows, my 1st & foremost issue is "Right to Life". I could never support his candidacy because of his support for keeping abortion legal(even if he does support a few limits on it). & his claims about appointing judges that would be committed to "Original Intent" is questionable based on his track record as mayor.
Another problem I have with Rudy is that he is another of those CINO (Catholic in Name Only) that claim to be Catholic, but their lifestyle is anything but. The gory details of Rudy's personal life are readily available, so, I won't repeat them here. Anyone who knows what ortohdox Catholic teaching is on abortion, marriage, etc can judge for himself if Rudy is bearing the fruit of a person trying to truly live his Catholic faith. (& for those of you who would quote "Judge not. . . ." I would point out that Jesus said, "By their fruit you will know them." (1 of several Scriptures that allow the Christian to test if a person is truly what he or she claims.)
I wish him well in most of his endevors. But in his campaign for president, I will be supporting & working for the candidate that best exemplifies my views on the "Life" issues, abortion, fetal stem cell research, cloning, euthenasia etc. & it will never be Rudy.
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