Item from the minutes of the DBQ City Council,
16 April 2007 meeting:
Shawn Ruiz, 2425 Crissy Dr., expressed her concern over the inappropriateness of the Tarot Card History and Demonstration program being offered June 12 at the Library. She has spoken with Library Director Susan Henricks about canceling it. Susan has agreed to remove items for purchase and door prizes. Demonstrator Terri Farber(sic), 1113 Main St., said that this program is for entertainment only and not a religious movement. Library Youth Services Manager Jean Gullikson, 427 Shinoak Ct., said that this program was in response to the Library's Teen Safe Zone priority as well as in response to a teen survey. After discussion the Council concurred with City Attorney Lindahl that, per City Code 30-5, exclusive management of the Library belongs to the Library Board of Trustees, and Ms. Ruiz should petition them.
1st of all, I wish to salute Shawn Ruiz for her courage in speaking out the truth. I have been where she is & know the attack & ridicule it opens you up to.
OK, what is so harmful about a little "entertainment"? Plenty when the entertainment involves exposing & opening up yourself to evil spirits as this does. & at the least the "demonstration" would require those involved to break the 1st Commandment. This is simple because the demonstration would be to show how the cards are used. & they are used for 1 thing only, divination, which is clearly banned by the 1st Commandment.
Let's look at what the
Catechism of the Catholic Church has to say about divination. "
All forms of divination are to be rejected . . . . They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone." (
Par 2116)
So, is using Tarot Cards a form of divination? To answer that question we have to go back to what a demonstration would entail. The demonstration would be to show how the cards are used. They are used for "readings" & the different ways that this is done. What is the purpose of a
Tarot reading? According to the Wikipedia entry there are 3 types of readings,
divination, psychological & as a mnemonic device. The 1st type clearly falls under the ban, but what about the other 2 types. Under psychological it is describes as a type of "New Age" therapy. & it describes the mnemonic use as being for occult purposes. Enough said to show that all 3 uses are related to divination or other occult uses banned by the 1st Commandment.
Clearly a demonstration should not be allowed on the Spiritual dangers alone. But what about the 1st half of the presentation, the history of the Tarot? Well, given who the person presenting it is, clearly it won't be a presentation about the hidden dangers. Rather it will be a glowing report about how good & wonderful it is. & despite what Ms. Faber says, while, in & of itself, it is not a religious movement, as a part of the "New Age" it has spiritual & religious aspects that she is glossing over.
So, how do I know she will present a glowing report? Simple, because of what she does for a living. & that is shown by the fact that they are having her give a demonstration of how to use the Tarot. But there is more that not only shows that the report wouldn't include the Christian view, it also shows the occult connection. According to the
article in Friday's
Telegraph Herald she describes herself as a
"natural witch". The business she runs with her husband is "Enchanted Curiosities", located at 1113 Main St is more proof. The business is all "New Age" in what it does.
The description of Tarot she gives in the article is also very revealing & upholds all that I have said above: "It's hidden truth, which is basically what tarot reading is about, getting to the hidden knowledge in a person's own life," said Faber, who pointed out that "occult" means "hidden knowledge."
So, I think it is safe to say that a Tarot demonstration is not merely entertainment, but something that clearly goes against God's Divine Law.
In the article, Ms. Faber does come close to getting 1 thing right. She says that the reaction by Ms. Ruiz et al is about fear. "They are just very narrow-minded. They're scared. I actually feel sorry for them because they are scared. They live in such a fear-based box." The reality is a bit different. In fact it is just the opposite of what she says. The only think we are concerned about is that we don't want to see any harm done to the youth of the DBQland area. & that includes the possibility of this resulting in 1 or more of them spending eternity in hell let alone the corolary damage done to them here in this life. & that is SCARY to any of us who truly love the Lord. We aren't living in fear, we are living in love, the perfect love found in Jesus. & as Scripture points out that perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18). & that includes the fear of what will happen at the Day of Judgement (1 John 4:17)
& it is because we don't live in fear that we don't need to be concerned about the future & what it holds. We can trust in God to care for us, provide for us, guide us & lead us without having to resort to any occult practices for guidance. It sure sounds to me like we are definitely anything but in a"box"!
I wonder if Ms. Faber would be willing to allow the other side to present their facts. Or would she be "afraid" to let the truth be told about what she is involved in. Somehow, I don't think she would be open to allowing equal time at the presentation.
Meanwhile, as I have told many of my friends, we need to pray for the situation. Pray that any plans to present this dangerous tool of evil will be thwarted. Pray that the real truth will come out about the Tarot. Pary that people will be open to the truth. & esp to pray for Ms. Faber, her husband & coworkers to be convicted of their involvement in sin & evil by the Holy Spirit. To pray that they will repent of the evil they are doing & turn to Jesus to set them free from the bondages that they are in as a result of their involvement with the occult.
At 29/4/07 2:44 AM ,
Tarot4Games said...
I can't believe that this blog has a French language interface and the author is not aware that in France and in French speaking Canada, Tarot is regarded as an actual card game similar to Contract Bridge! There is even a Fédération Française de Tarot which regulates tournaments there.
In fact, the Tarot deck was designed not for fortune telling but for playing a card game of which the modern French game is a descendent. I think that Tarot history should be taught but it should not be taught from an occultist perspective but from the perspective of a card game historian. The problem with Tarot is that its true heritage has been distorted by the New Age publishing establishment. Any discussion of whether Tarot history should be taught in school should mention this fact.
At 29/4/07 4:42 AM ,
Al said...
Here in the USA Tarot is only promoted as occult/New Age, nothing about it as a card game. Our local Borders Store have various versions of the cards in the New Age/Occult (or, as they also call it, Metaphysical) section of the store. & all the books they carry on it are in the same section.
As a result of how it has been presented over the years here in the USA, that is the only way we view it, an occult/New Age tool.
I was aware of the history as I knew our deck of 52 playing cards we use in games like Euchre was derived from the Tarot deck. But, I wasn't aware of how much they are still used as a card game.
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