Bobby "Boris" Pickett (Robert George Pickett) died Wed night, 25 April 2007, of leukemia. He was 69. He died at the West Los Angeles Veterans Hospital with his His daughter, Nancy, and his sister, Lynda at his side. He is also survived by 2 grandchildren. Bobby Pickett probably was the only 1 hit wonder to do so 3 times with same song, Monster Mash. It was 1st released in 1962 & hit the #1 spot on the Billboard Chart the week before Halloween (appropriately). It hit the top again August 1970, and yet again for a 3rd time in May 1973. & every Halloween it is still played by radio stations everywhere. & in 1995 it was made into a movie with him playing Dr. Frankenstein.
The Crypt-Kickers were a band created in the studeo to record the song. For his 1st live appearances his backup band was a young Beach Boys. & later, in the late 70s, a just starting band known as Van Halen was his backup band. Monster Mash was banned by the BBC in 1962 for being as "offensive" and "unhealthy".
He continued to make live appearances until last Fall. Her is a video of him performing his hit for 1 of the last times, 28 October 2006, at the Chiller Theatre Toy, Model and Film Expo in New Jersey with Zacherley the Cool Ghoul (John Zacherle):
11 February 1938 -
25 April 2007
Update: 29 April 2007 - Talked to a friend of mine who is an expert & got Bobby Pickett's unique 1 Hit Wonder status confirmed. He is the only person to be a 1 Hit Wonder with a song that hit #1 after being released 3 different times. Mille Grazie to Ron McCarthy, star of KAT-FM (92.3)'s Saturday Night Cruise (a very "PUN"ishing job, . . . for us listeners), KGRR-FM (97.3)'s Morning Show Sportscaster, local sales manager for Radio Dubuque (KAT, KGRR owner) & former all-star head honcho of "KLOR, 630 on your AM dial, Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa!" where he taught me everything I know about being a radio DJ (Back in the days when both of us had a few less grey hairs & a few more brain cells). (Caution: Pictures of Ron on his KGRR staff page or his KAT staff page let alone on the SN Cruise page may not be suitable for children under 13, or over 13 for that matter. But, Grazie al Dio, at least they don't include any pictures of him performing "Disco Duck", lyrics here.) Again, Mille Grazie Ron, now get back to cleaning those restrooms before the next appearance of The KAT is required.
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