While he would see what he says is consistant, it isn't. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA[alledgedly]) supports abortion, but is opposed to junk foods being marketted to children. Choice to kill, OK; choice of what to eat what isn't good, not. He approves of abortion which, besides killing an innocent life, has been proven to be proven to often be psychologically harmful to the woman. But, when it comes to allowing children & their parents to chose junk food based on advertising, not OK.
Yes, a lot of junk food advertising is aimed at kids. But, it always has been. It was when I was a child, it was back in the 30s (If you doubt that watch A Christmas Story for a prime example), etc. It isn't the advertising that is causing the increase in childhood obesity that Harkin decries. It is a lot of other factors. & despite what Harkin claims, advertising isn't undermining parental authority. My parents said no to a lot of my demands for junk foods. It is that parents today, for a variety of reasons, opt to take the route of least resistance.
Yet, when it comes to protect the lives of these children before birth Harkin, who claims to be Catholic, is opposed to any limits on abortion. Here is what he had to say in an-email response to my asking him to support the Hyde Amendment (Caution, the roller coaster of double speak may cause dizziness &/or nausea):
"People of strong faith and good conscience have very different views when it comes to abortion, and I respect the views of people on both sides of this often divisive issue. It is my strong belief that the most personal and heart-wrenching decisions of a woman's life should be left up to the woman, her family, and her doctor -- not politicians. Furthermore, I do not think that this decision should be made due to financial reasons. I feel we need to ensure that all women have access to the proper health services regardless of income.
I hope that in the 110th Congress, people on both sides of this issue can work together on a goal we all share: preventing unintended pregnancies and reducing the number of abortions. I am pleased to be an original cosponsor of S.21, the Prevention First Act, which would expand access to preventive healthcare services that help reduce unintended pregnancies, reduce the number of abortions, and improve access to women's healthcare. This legislation would create state grants for pregnancy prevention programs, increase funding to Title X, educate health care providers about emergency contraception, provide equity in prescription coverage of contraceptives, and ensure that federally-funded sexuality education programs provide accurate and comprehensive information.
I believe we must also work to improve overall economic prosperity, and access to affordable healthcare and child care services, for American women and families. Research shows that over 70 percent of women who have abortions say that they "cannot afford a child," and that 60 percent of abortions occur in families making less than $28,000 per year. It is not surprising that in the 1990s, when wages rose and health coverage increased, abortions declined by 300,000 per year - a 24-year low.
You can be assured that I will continue to work to ensure that no woman has an abortion because she is unable to afford the services she needs to take care of herself and her baby. As the Chairman of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee, I will continue to work to provide more resources for the Maternal and Child Health program, the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutrition program, and the Adoption Opportunities Program, which helps eliminate barriers to adoption and find permanent homes for children. I believe these are important efforts that will contribute to a reduction in abortions."
Where do I begin? Respect for the Pro-Life position? I think not given his track record.
Personal decsisions being left up to woman, family & doctor, not politicians? Yet he is speaking out against junk food & threatens government action. That would mean that politicians would be involved in something that should be left between a family & its physician. What's the difference?
I'd also like to know where he gets the link between a decline of abortion in the 90s & Clinton's economic possibilities. What about parental consent laws that were upheld, what about the cut in funding by states? Maybe those are the real reasons (although that funding reason wouldn't be liked by Harkin.) To say that progams like WIC could help reduce the number of abortions could easily be proven to be false. You also notice that in all the government funded sex ed programs he says nothing about the only proven way to prevent pregnancy, abstainance. In fact, you will note that what he said is taken right out of the Planned Parenthood playbook.
I could go on & on. It boils down to this, he is so deluded that he doesn't see the hypocricy of his stands. he doesn't see how morally bankrupt he really is & that much of what he stands for is actually causing more harm than good.
But does this double (& triple) talk from Harkin surprize me? NO! I've been dealing with it for years. & frankly, I am disgustedly tired of it. I expect no less from someone who claims to be an Iowan yet his only home is in the Bahamas. He does have an Iowa address that is only used for him to be able to be registered to vote & run for office in Iowa. He may have been born in Iowa, but he is not an Iowan. Yet, for some reason he keeps getting reelected. This cannot stand.
So far 1 candidate has announced his candadicy for the Republican nomination to oppose Harkin,
Steve Rathje. More people may yet announce that they are running. I don't know if they will or not. What I do know is that we need to work here in Iowa to get the truth out, Harkin does
NOT represent Iowa values & is actually betraying the very people he claims to represent.
I pray that God will change Harkin's heart & that he will repent of his sins, that he will truly practice his Catholic faith instaed of betraying it. & I pray that God will open the eyes of Iowa voters to see the truth, & vote in a Pro-Life Senator instead.
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