John 3:16
As you probably know by now, in the Wild Card play-off game Sunday Tim Tebow threw for 316 yards, & set an NFL playoff record by averaging 31.6 yards per completion. 3, 1, 6, as in John 3:16.
His kneeling in prayer at games, now known as Tebowing, hasn't exactly endeared him to those who want to drive God out of the public square. What is driving them even crazier is that he isn't just doing it for show, he is really living out his faith.
That is part of the reason I think the whole 3:16 thing Sunday is more than coincidence. Given the vagaries of any football game, it is highly unlikely that Tebow intentionally aimed for those numbers, esp since he couldn't know the game would go into overtime. & even further beyong his control was fact that the final quarter-hour television rating for the Broncos-Steelers game was, yup, 31.6. Like I said, God's Divine sense of humor.
Over at the NFL website there are a couple of stories about Tebow that show how far this has gone,
1st we have Tom Brady a prophet? The author points out how much of the media has misquoted Tom Brady's comment after the game between the Broncos & New England on 18 Dec. Brady said "Maybe we'll see you again." The media has been leaving the maybe out. When told that Brady said "we'll see you again," after Sunday's game Tebow eventually responded with "He might've said something like that. So I guess he's a prophet, I don't know." The author goes on to show how he misses the real connection. He says that there was no recognized prophet in the Bible named Thomas. Will someone explain to the author that Thomas was an Apostle? Who basically said "Maybe Jesus rose, but I'll have to see 1st before I believe." So, Brady's "maybe" sounds more like the saint he was named for at baptism than for any prophet in the Bible. (Brady is a Catholic. I know he had a child out of wedlock, he did get married in a Catholic ceremony & has had his child born in the marriage baptized. Beyond that, how well he lives his faith over all, I have no idea.)
Then there is Tebow: The Movie? They might, but I am not sure that Hollywood would be able to get it right unless those producing it are people who are devout Christians. Made for TV is more likely than big screen, but the same caveat applies. I think the author of the article was being a bit tongue in cheek when he had this casting suggestion, Chris D'Elia as Jesus. Some of his comments on other roles confirms that this isn't a serious piece. But if there was no mention of God needed, you can be sure the story would have been snapped up by now.
At 11/1/12 12:37 AM ,
TH2 said...
I understand what you are saying here, Allen. But I must confess, this whole God-Tebow-Sports-Success thing leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. It has that "I believe in JEEEEEEESSSUUSSS" aspect about it that makes we want to recoil. In effect, God will reward you with fame and success if you acknowledge Him publicly - comparable to that "health and wealth" Christianity trend.
At 11/1/12 4:17 PM ,
Al said...
TH2 I agree with the point you are making. In some places there is that "health & wealth" aspect being pushed. Although from what I have seen it hasn't been so much Tim Tebow as those imitating him.
I see plenty of the "health & wealth" gang arround here, many ex-Catholics. They don't like to see suffering in any way shape or form.
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