I am not surprized to read that the New York City Council vote 39-9-1 to pass Int. No. 371, a bill pushed by abortion provders as an attempt to gag Pro-life Crisis Pregnancy Ceners (CPCs). The bill forces pregnancy centers to post as well as orally state a disclaimer regarding the services they do not offer, namely abortion & contraception They also have to state whether or not a medical provider is on site. & if someone comes in & claims to be aggrieved, the law allows them to sue the CPS for big bucks.
On the other hand, you will notice that abortion clinics once again get a free pass. They do not have to state whether a medical provider is arround, nor do they have to provide any disclaimers about what they do or don't do.
Christine Quinn, the City Council speaker & co-sponser of the bill gave this as her reason (Get the hip boots out as it is about to get deep): "Let me be clear. In this legislation we are not targeting pregnancy centers in order to shut them down or interfere with any counseling that they want to provide. We just want them to be honest and to say what their services are, and not to deceive women and make women believe, based on all logical information, that they are in a doctor’s office when they are not.”
Where do I start. Howabout with the blatent lie that this is not an attempt to shut them down, it is. & she knows damn well it is. & she is doing it because of her pro-abort buddies whom I am willing to bet have put tons of money into her campaign coffers.
The push for these type of laws has only come about because of the evidence that PCPs work to prevent abortions by giving the women true alternatives to abortion. The success of CPCs is so great
Time Magazine was even forced to pay attention. & that didn't make the
abortion industry too happy.
So requiring the disclaimers & openning the doors to huge lawsuits is clearly setting things up to shut them down.
But the part that really gets me is her claim about wanting them to be honest & to say what their services are to ensure that the CPCs are not deceiving women. It just turns my stomach to see the blatent libel she is speaking. What she is saying is defamation plain & simple. She knows full well that with few rogue exceptions, CPCs are totally over & above board. Given the tons of evidence out there about how abortion clinics are covering up rape, incest, etc, breaking the law, etc, why isn't she saying something about that? (Rhetorical question of course.)
The horror stories that are coming out are about the abortion clinics getting away with what they do because regulators look the other way (where regulations exist). & they do so because the elected officials are in bed with the abortion providers. & where there are no regulations these same politicians fight any attempts at even basic regulation like other medical clinics.
I am sure these people who voted for it were very aware of the recent court ruling throwing out a similar law in Baltimore. & I am willing to bet they didn't care. If it is thrown out they can still suck up to their big pro-abort donors & say, well we tried.
I also find it ironic that this vote limiting free speech occured on the same day as the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in favor of Westboro Baptist Church (
Court Sides With Westboro on Funeral Protests) saying their protest is free speech. Note: The ruling didn't give Westboro carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. But it will make it harder to put limits on pro-lifer protests in front of abortion clinics as well.
This NY City law will be taken to court. & hopefully a judge will rule it unconstitutional like the 1 in Baltimore. I suspect this may end up in the Supreme Court because this won't be the last attempt to pass such a law either.
The fact that the abortion clinics & their supporters are pushing for laws to silence the CPCs shows how desperate they are to silence those who speak up for the unborn. They know CPCs tell the truth, esp about the humanity of the unborn child. & they don't like it. Meanwhile, the sad fact is that the CPCs who, unlike the abortion industry, get no federal funds, will have to use up precious resources to fight the law. Resources that could be better used reaching out & helping women in crisis pregnancy situations make an alternative choice to abortion.
New York City Council OKs Bill Attacking Pregnancy CentersBreaking: New York City Council passes pregnancy center gag lawLabels: Crisis Pregnancy Centers
At 3/3/11 11:08 PM ,
TH2 said...
This is quite a maddening situation.
I am willing to bet they didn't care... I agree. The mystery of evil.
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