. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says Yahweh Sabaoth" Zach 4:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dio di Signore, nella Sua volontà è nostra pace!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin 1759
Friday, January 07, 2011
What Gets Me Is How they Are Making These Accusations With a Straight Face*
You have got to see & hear this to believe it. OK, I will admit that to those who want to undermine traditional marriage the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is scary & threatening. However NOM has never made any secret that it opposes same-sex marriage. In fact, NOM was active in the battle last year to throw out the 3 Iowa Supreme Court Justices that supported same-sex marriage.
Did you get the worst horror of horrors, NOM has apparently has connections to the Catholic hierarcy & Opus Dei? This is Catholic bashing plain & simple. & it exposes their double standard of crying intolerance while being "the most intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them gang" out there. That includes Mormons as well as Christians who actually follow the Bible's God given teaching on marriage.
As for NOM keeping the donor base secret fight, they know full well what that is about. Protecting NOM's supporters from similar attacks like those who supported California's Proposition 8 got from HRC's buddies. By the way HRC, just like NOM you are a non-profit 501 (c)(4) organization. Are you willing to publicize your donor list the way you want NOM to? Or are you being just as secretive?
BTW, I have another question for HRC. If you are so much for equality for all, why did you only show same-sex couples in the opening of the video? Actually, I was not at all surprized that all they showed were gay couples as that is what they are about.
HRC also tries to make it sound like NOM is the one with the huge donor base & deep pockets. What it fails to mention is that they have much deeper pockets. The $2.968 million the show at the start is the 2008 revenue for NOM. (& yes that is a huge jump from 2007's $471.6 thousand. But then 2007 was the 1st year NOM was in existance.) You will notice that they go to $8 & then $10 million for NOM. But what HRC fails to mention is how much they took in for 2008. According to their 2009 report they took in $33.238 million. But here is the mystery. Their 2008 report says they only took in $10.709 million. Why the discrepency? That is only 1 of the numbers that doesn't add up. Still, HRC is bringing in a lot more than NOM during the same horrible economic times.
& of course they mock the "slippery slope" arguments as well, starting with same-sex marriage as a gateway to polygamy bit. As I pointed out in a post last November, that very issue is already being brought up in court challenges.
HRC's whole ad is laughable. They claim that all they are trying to do is get the truth out. But I can guarentee you that it isn't so much aimed at getting the truth out as it is at scaring supporters into donating more. Kinda like Planned Parenthood does in their attacks on the Catholic Church & Pro-lifers in general. In fact, like PP they are putting out half truths & lies to demonize their opponants.
Sorry HRC, but marriage was made by God to be between a man & a woman. & no amount of faux legislation or court imposed fiats will change that fact. & no amount of attempts to the contrary is going to change that.
*Pun not intended, but it works for me. BTW, lest I forget, full disclosure requires me to admit that I have donated a small amount to NOM. & I do get their e-mail updates.
Sono Italiano-americano. I am a member of St Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church. I am an advisor to Alpha Phi Omega & College Republicans at Loras College. I am a member of the Dubuque Co. Republican Central Committee. I have been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement since 1974. For me the overriding issue of the day is defending the preborn & upholding their right to life. If we don't value life before birth, we devalue it after birth. Life is a gift from God. This is why I am a supporter of the work that Dubuque County Right to Life does in my area. & that is why I am politically active. Our nation's laws need to be changed to protect all from conception to natural death.
At 7/1/11 11:58 PM ,
TH2 said...
That video had an Orwellian aspect about it. Seems (I hope not) that more of such will occur in the future.
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