I will admit that I am concerned that a Catholic School is being told that it has to hire people who teach & promote things that go against Catholic teaching. But I find the school board isn't exactly innocent in this matter either. The cult members were hired in November 2006 by the Conseil Scolaire Catholique Franco-Nord to offer ‘emotional pedagogy’ training sessions for teachers. They delivered such sessions through what they call the Academy of Pleasurology and Emotional Intelligence (APEI). "Emotional pedagogy"????
I saw that phrase & "New Age" was the 1st thing I thought. & after a quick check, it was pretty clear to me that while there may be some valid points in the theory, the whole thing was more "New Age" with a scientific veneer.
Excuse me, but when you hire some group to offer what sounds like "New Age" wackiness in the 1st place, then why are you surprized to find out that is exactly what you get? Did you even bother to check out anything about the method that even they on the back cover of their book admit is a "novel method"? A method that, as they describe it, is "an emotional process asserting that in order to learn, one must feel." Or were you just looking at finding the latest fad in education & jumping on the bandwagon?
Like I said, it does concern me that a Catholic School is being told that it can't refuse to hire people that teach counter to Catholic doctrine. But in this case that is exactly what the school board was doing in the 1st place, & they didn't seem to concerned at the time. So why the change of heart later? I have my suspicions that parental complaints played a part & the heat got tio be too much. But that is only my guess at this point.
& for those who may think I am treading into an area that I know nothing about, teaching methods, all I will add is that I was an education major in college. & while I don't teach, I do know something about ther field. & as I said, this lloks to me like what we often seen in "New Age", an attempt to give it a scientific veneer.
TORONTO, Ontario, December 20, 2010 (
LifeSiteNews.com) - The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has ordered a Catholic school board to compensate three members of a prominent UFO cult after finding the board guilty of religious discrimination.
Daniel, Michel, and Sylvie Chabot, members of the Raelian cult, were hired in November 2006 by the Conseil Scolaire Catholique Franco-Nord to offer ‘emotional pedagogy’ training sessions for teachers. They delivered such sessions through what they call the Academy of Pleasurology and Emotional Intelligence (APEI).
The Catholic board chose to end the contract in January 2007 after discovering their membership in the cult, which claims that humans were planted on Earth by benevolent extraterrestrials.
On December 15th, Tribunal vice president Michelle Flaherty ruled that the board had discriminated against the three siblings on the basis of their beliefs. The parties had agreed to mediation, but asked the Tribunal to determine if the human rights code was violated. The decision does not reveal how much the board must pay in penalty.
The Raelian sect was founded by former French sports journalist Claude Vorilhon, now known as ‘Rael’, in 1973 after he claimed that he had an encounter with aliens. The cult is known for its strong support of human cloning, which is based on their belief that cloning will usher in a paradise where people live forever.
Daniel Chabot, who calls himself a bishop, said they have filed dozens of human rights complaints, but this is the first to side with them. “It took us 17 years of relentless battles and one case before a Human Rights Tribunal in Ontario to finally have our voices heard,” he stated in a press release. “This sentence was ironically delivered on Human Rights Day, December 10, 2010 and was, needless to say, a sweet victory.”
Ronald Demers, the school board’s chairman, told the Catholic Register that they will not appeal. LifeSiteNews.com did not hear back from the board by press time.
At 6/1/11 5:17 PM ,
Sean said...
Sounds like a rough situation. If I completely gave myself over to feeling in order to learn, I guarantee you I would have failed philosophy.
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