From an
article in the LA Times:
"Reporting from Washington — Employers who hire illegal immigrants can be fined, but the Obama administration warned this week that they also can be fined for asking legal immigrants to show their green cards before hiring them.
. . . .
The Justice Department said a valid driver's license and a Social Security card are usually sufficient to show that a person is authorized to work. Requesting a green card amounts to "immigration-related employment discrimination," said Thomas E. Perez, the assistant attorney general for civil rights.
Federal law forbids treating 'authorized workers differently during the hiring process based on their citizenship status,' Perez said. He said the department's Office of Special Counsel would bring legal actions against employers who impose 'unnecessary and discriminatory hurdles to employment for work-authorized noncitizens.'"
OK, let's see if I've got this right. According to the law, you are supposed to prove a person is a citizen or a legal immigrant that you can hire. According to the USCIC website on
Green Cards: "A permanent resident is someone who has been granted authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis.
As proof of that status, a person is granted a permanent resident card, commonly called a "green card.'" (emphasis mine)
Yet the government says that the 1 official government proof of that status cannot be used. In fact it also has as 1 of the ways to get a card listed as "
Green Card Through a Job Offer" on the website as well.
As the Times article points out: "On one hand, employers have been told they need to do more to verify that their workers are legal and authorized to work in the United States. Federal immigration law says hiring "an unauthorized alien" can result in fines of up to $3,000 per worker. However, another provision of the same law bars employers from requesting "more or different documents" than are needed to prove a noncitizen's legal status."
So, if you don't do enough to prove the person you hired is legally here you get fined $3000. But if you try to do that very thing using the document the government calls that proof then you will face a civil penalty of $1,100 plus having to provide "full remedial relief" whatever that means.
To summarize the above: "If you obey the law then you break the law". Like I said, Orwell meets Twilight Zone.
I want to make it clear that I fully support legal immigration. My maternal granparents were immigrants as were some of my great grandparents. But they came over her legally. I fully support obeying the law if it lines up with Catholic Teachins (re Catechism
2241*), but this law is impossible to obey. It also shows what is wrong with our current policy. The whole policy is neither just or merciful. It doesn't protect citicizens or legal immigrants. & it encourages the unjust treatment of immigrant people by bringing them here illegally, allowing them to be poorly treated (at times virtual slavery) & then being made the villians while the real villians who brought them here illegally in the 1st place get off scott free.
*This can be summarized thus:
1. People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families
2. A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control immigration.
3. A country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.
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