This Story Is Like the Energizer Bunny
“What we are seeing is a violent reaction born out of the increasing frustration of a failing abortion movement. Support for the pro-life position is increasing, while support for abortion is on the decline. Abortion clinics are closing and more abortionists are under investigation or facing criminal charges than ever before,” said Newman. “For those who commit violence against pro-lifers, we want them to know that our response is to pray for our enemies, but at the same time, we will not be intimidated into silence.”
In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Truth Truck and the home of a volunteer Truth Truck driver were vandalized after an unknown assailant egged them. This occurred in the first week of June. Perhaps not coincidentally, on June 11, 2010, a 17-year old pro-abortion blogger named “Clay” complained about the Truth Truck and discussed possible responses:
What should we do? Chain someone to their door? Egg their vehicles? Just march and be obnoxious? Should I find a female friend to take charge of the event? Please share thoughts and ideas.
A police report has been filed.
In addition to the Truth Truck presence, Operation Rescue has researched late-term abortions at Curtis Boyd’s Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque and published a 5-part exposé revealing how plans to establish Albuquerque as the next late-term Abortion Capital of the world.
In Iowa, a Dubuque resident filed a police report after vandals spray-painted graffiti that favored abortion on the side of his home. Pro-lifer Allen Troupe was apparently singled out for his beliefs because he displays a sign from Dubuque Right to Life in his window that reads, “Planned Parenthood: Bad for Dubuque.”
Operation Rescue has worked with Dubuque Right to Life to oppose Planned Parenthood’s announced expansion of “telemed abortions” to Dubuque. Operation Rescue has filed complaints with the Iowa Board of Medicine and the Iowa Attorney General’s office asking for investigations of this dangerous push-button, remote controlled abortion pill dispensing scheme without an on-site licensed physician.
To add insult to injury, the local Dubuque newspaper has attempted to turn the obvious attack on a pro-life activist’s home into some kind of “Twilight Zone” kind of pro-life conspiracy to insult Planned Parenthood. At first, the Dubuque Telegraph Herald refused to publish the story about the vandalism. Blogger Jill Stanek reveals that e-mail communications and phone calls to the paper’s editor, Brian Cooper, show that his outlandish opinion was that the vandalism was conducted by a covert pro-lifer or someone without a view on abortion who was trying to make Planned Parenthood look bad.
“This editor’s support for abortion has so clouded his vision that he simply cannot cope with the reality of this attack,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It is shocking that someone with such a warped view of reality is actually running a local newspaper.”
Attacks on pro-life supporters appear to be on the increase. In the past year, Operation Rescue’s headquarters in Wichita, Kansas, was vandalized twice. Death threats on Operation Rescue’s staff and their families have become common, forcing the implementation of extra security precautions.
& here is LifeNews' coverage:
by Steven Ertelt Editor
In Iowa, Allen Troupe reported last week that his home was spray-painted with the phrases “support abortion” and “baby killer" -- causing about $100 worth of damages.
He told the local newspaper he believes he was targeted because he has a sign in his window reading: “Planned Parenthood: Bad for Dubuque."
“I don't care what side you're on, there are some things that are just never right,” he told the Telegraph Herald.
"This is outrageous and I think there should be a little more attention. I realize some jerk out there will get their 15 minutes of fame, but I believe it speaks again to the disparity of violence against pro-lifers versus the other way around," Steven Brody, the local Right to Life president, said about the incident.
Meanwhile, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a truck belonging to Operation Rescue and its driver's home were vandalized after an unknown assailant egged them.
Perhaps not coincidentally, on June 11, 2010, a 17-year old pro-abortion blogger named "Clay" complained about the truck, which bears graphic abortion images, and discussed possible responses.
"What should we do? Chain someone to their door? Egg their vehicles?" he wrote."What we are seeing is a violent reaction born out of the increasing frustration of a failing abortion movement. Support for the pro-life position is increasing, while support for abortion is on the decline. Abortion clinics are closing and more abortionists are under investigation or facing criminal charges than ever before," said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman.
"For those who commit violence against pro-lifers, we want them to know that our response is to pray for our enemies, but at the same time, we will not be intimidated into silence," he added.
A police report has been filed, Newman informed
Regarding the Iowa case, the local Dubuque newspaper has attempted to turn the obvious attack on a pro-life activist's home into a pro-life conspiracy to insult Planned Parenthood.
At first, the Dubuque Telegraph Herald refused to publish the story about the vandalism. Then, the newspaper's editor made it appear pro-life advocates made up the incident.
Blogger Jill Stanek reveals that e-mail communications and phone calls to the paper's editor, Brian Cooper, show that his opinion was that the vandalism was conducted by a covert pro-lifer or someone without a view on abortion who was trying to make Planned Parenthood look bad.
Labels: Telemed Abortions, Violence/Vandalism Against Pro-Lifers
At 2/7/10 9:47 PM ,
Helen said...
"Planned Parenthood" must have the worst "doctors" (quacks) imaginable. Can't imagine anyone going to Medical School to "specialize" at killing innocents.
St Michael, defend Mr. Troupe in battle!!!
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