When Jill Stanek found out about the vandalism that happenned to my home, including the way the TH covered it, she asked me for some info so she could do a post on it for her blog. I was very glad to help, not to draw attention to myself, but because the Main Stream Media regularly ignores most of the attacks on Pro-lifers while playing up even the smallest attack on pro-aborts. I cooperated for all those Pro-lifers whose stories the MSM has ignored over the years.
"The overriding conclusion to draw from Cooper's rhetorical question is that "bona fide" pro-aborts can't be stupid.
There are thus 3 conspiracy theories Cooper was implying:
1. The vandal spray painting the misspelled graffiti was in actuality a covert but stupid pro-lifer.
2. The vandal spray painting the misspelled graffiti was in actuality a covert pro-lifer attempting to make pro-aborts look stupid.
2. The vandal spray painting the misspelled graffiti was not pro-life or pro-abortion at all but just a simple street vandal who wanted people to think s/he was pro-abortion.
In fact, I could only surmise Conspiracy Theories #1 and 2 until Cooper (pictured right) told me #3 by phone this morning.
"I'm not surprised you can't think of any other conclusion," he said, since I had identified myself as a pro-life blogger. "Not everyone is fervently pro-choice or pro-life. This could have been someone who doesn't have any opinion on it and wanted to vandalize but seem that someone else was doing it."
Well that makes total sense. A vandal into graffiti purely for the joy of it, uninvolved in the abortion battle either way, would know enough to connect a sign opposing Planned Parenthood with "aboration" and "baby killers" and decide to spray paint about it to somehow implicate pro-aborts because... Well, again, I can only come up with the fact the graffiti vandal was either #1 or #2."
Then she goes on to look at the actually coverage when it finally shows up in print. Looking at the headline & 1st paragraph she comes to the conclusion that there is clear bias in how it was written. She wonders if they are saying "So Troupe could have been in actuality drawing wild conclusions or hallucinating?" I don't think I am drawing wild conclusions or hallucinating, esp since I have pictures to prove otherwise.
I agree with what Jill Stanek said: "These journalists are either utterly biased or totally void of common sense and simple intelligence." With heavy emphasis on the "utterly biased".
I have no idea if Brian Cooper has seen the piece she wrote, or is aware of the national attention his dismissal of what happenned has drawn.* But I hope he is, so that when the next DBQ area Pro-lifer falls victim to vandalism & harrassment like me, he won't be so ready to merely blow it off & make excuses for not covering it. Instead I hope he will give it the same coverage he would give to every attack done to Planned Parenthood or pro-aborts.
You can go to my post
Update on the Vandalism for more pictures besides those Jill Stanek used in her story. The post also has links to my 1st 2 posts on the incident.
Labels: Violence/Vandalism Against Pro-Lifers
At 1/7/10 1:08 AM ,
TH2 said...
Not glad what happened you, Al, but I am very glad that word is being spread far and wide. Jill Stanek and Newsbusters.... excellent.
With Ms. Stanek you are getting fair treatment and not the brush off (as evidence indicates) from the Telegraph herald.
At 2/7/10 12:09 AM ,
Al said...
TH2, I agree with your evaluation of Jill Stanek. Obviously she contacted me to do the article. She got the pictures she used from me.
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