This Just In - 2010 Progressive Catholyc Spelling Bee Finals
The 83rd National Spelling Bee started on Thursday, June 3, in Washington D.C., should you be interested in that kind of thing. The word that kicked off this year's competition was "serendipity". I've watched past competitions - bits and pieces, here and there - and I can only imagine the pressure those young kids are under. There's a pretty decent movie that came out several years ago - Akeelah And The Bee - I rather enjoyed it. Nice balance of human-interest and drama.
But let me tell you - there is nothing more dramatic than the annual Progressive Catholyc Spelling Bee. It's r-i-v-e-t-i-n-g, let me tell you! Unfortunately, though, there are no videos or audio copies of any of the contests. All that exists is a transcript of the last couple rounds from the 2008 PCSB - and wouldn't you know it, AoftheA just happens to have that transcript!
Moderator: We are now down to the final two contestants - Ms. Candace Brikkupp-Urbhutt and her fiancee Fr. Amos N. Thrope. Ms. Brikkupp-Urbhutt, you're up first. [pause] Before I give you your word, let me say we're all very excited for you on the announcement of your engagement to Fr. Thrope. You just met, isn't that right?
Candace: Yes, during round 3.
Moderator: How special. And -
Candace: But I have to correct you on one thing.
Moderator: What's that?
Candace: We got married during round 11. We couldn't wait.
Moderator: Wow! Well, given that your husband is a priest, there was no need to find a minister! Congratulations!
Candace: Thanks - we're very happy.
Moderator: And we're happy too. Okay, let's get on with round 25. Are you ready for your word?
Candace: Yes.
Moderator: Orthodoxy. Or-tho-dox-y.
Candace: Please use it in a sentence.
Moderator: 'The bishop challenged the parish administrator's orthodoxy on liturgical issues.' Orthodoxy.
Candace: Orthodoxy. F-A-I-T-H-F-U-L D-I-S-S-E-N-T. Orthodoxy.
Moderator: Correct!! Okay, Fr Amos, here's your word. Magisterium. Ma-gi-ster-i-um.
Fr. Amos: Origin, please?
Moderator: From the Latin, magister, meaning master, or teacher. Magisterium.
Fr. Amos: Magisterium. R-I-G-I-D H-I-E-R-A-R-C-H-Y. Magisterium.
Moderator: Correct!! On to round 26. Are you ready, Candace?
Candace: Ready.
Moderator: Here's your next word: Patriarchy. Pa-tri-ar-chy.
Candace: Oh, that's easy. Patriarchy. S-E-X-I-S-T. Patriarchy.
Moderator: Correct! Fr. Amos? Here's your word. Transubstantiation. Tran-sub-stan-ti-a-tion.
Fr. Amos: Whoa - I've never heard of that word. Could you please use it in a sentence?
Moderator: Certainly. Um, let me know, I'm having a little trouble coming up with one. Sorry.
Fr. Amos: [sigh] Transubstantiation. T-R-A-N-S-U-B-....S-T-A-N-....T-I-A-.....T-I-O-N? Transubstantiation?
Moderator: Ohh, I'm sorry, that's incorrect. The correct spelling is W-E A-R-E C-H-U-R-C-H. Which means, this year's champion, of the 2008 Progressive Catholyc Spelling Bee, is Candace Brikkupp-Urbhutt!! Congratulations!!
Candace: Thank you! Thank you!
Fr. Amos: I want a divorce.
At 4/6/10 5:44 PM ,
Larry Denninger said...
Thanks for the link, Al. Only one minor correction, though - technically, the "transcript" is from the 2008 PCSB. You have 2010 in your post title.
Yeah, I'm anal like that! :-)
Have a great weekend!
At 5/6/10 5:29 PM ,
Al said...
Sorry Larry, I should have noticed that you did have 2008. I was just too busy laughing to catch that I got the year wrong.
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