Today is the Feast of the Annunciation to Mary by the Archangel gabriel that she whould conceive & bear a son, Jesus. This feast & the events of her visit to Elizabeth when John leapt in the womb, as well as the angelic visits to Zechariah & St. Joseph are the basis of a reflection I am working on about the Holy Trinity. But they also have a very strong Pro-Life message. These events remind us that every child is an individual human being with the right to life from the 1st moment he or she comes into existance as a single cell.
Sadly, the events of this last weekend have just increased the assault on those rights. & we will see an even greater increase of attacks on the life of the unborn in the days & weeks ahead. I think it is safe to say that the abortion industry will lead an attack in the courts on the executive order he signed today that Stupak used as a cover for his vote in favor of the abortion ladden Health Care bill. That attack won't be because the EO actually changes anything. But it will be to get the Courts to force the funding out into the open. & they will likely win.
But the other thing we will see is an increase on the attempts to silence & harrass those standing outside abortion clinics to pray, protest & provide sidewalk councilling. Passing this will embolden them to get more bubble zones etc passed. & you will see even more attempts to do what Baltimore did in requiring the Pro-life Pregnancy centers have signs up that say they don't do abortions. That law isn't to protect the women, these centers have always made it clear they don't provide abortions, but to provide more ways to harrass them & make their job of saving lives more difficult.
So what can we do??? Here are a few things I have to suggest.
1. (& this will be no surprize) PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!!!! OK, I know I sound like a broken record, but i still say we must continue to pray as never before. I know many people are wondering why our prayers weren't answered as we hoped. On Monday, Laura Ingraham made an excellent point on her show about this. God is still in charge & even though we don't understand it, this will work out as He promised for good. So keep on praying.
2. REPENT!! Individually for our sins & for the sins of our nation as well. Daniel's "We have sinned" prayer is a prime example of the latter. But we need to examine our own actions & see if there is more we can & should have done. & even if we can honestly say we have we still need to follow Daniel's example.
& while I am sharing this call to repent the 1st person I delivered this message to is myself. I honestly cannot say that I have always done all I could or done it as well as I could. I have fallen short at times & do need to repent. OK, I am not saying my, or your falling short is the specific reason, it may or may not be. But, that doesn't mean we can use that as an excuse not to sincerely examine things & repent as needed. We still need to.
3. Keep on working to support Pro-life groups & crisis pregnancy centers with our prayers, money & time.
4. Work for truly Pro-life candidates to get them elected & then keep the fire under the feet after they are. I have heard the comment that we wouldn't be here if the Republicans were in charge & that is why it is important to vote for them even if they are pro-choice (abortion actually). I don't buy that. The Republicans had their chance & because many of them were not strongly Pro-Life we didn't gain anything with them in charge. Yes, we have a better chance with the Republicans, but only if the majority are truly pro-life.
We have to remember that power isn't an end, it is a means towards our building a ""Culture of Life". What good is being "in power" if we don't have the votes to get things changed??? For some Republicans, I will say this bluntly, it IS only about the power. & they see Pro-Lifers as a means to that power. & when they get it, we see how much they really care about us. We need to let them know they can't just take us for granted.
Recent events have given me an even greater understanding of the events leading up to the Declaration of Independence & the Civil War. I can understand how those who led the fight for freedom in both cases went from just being ordinary citizens tio zealously fired up for their causes. I say that because I have sen that happen in my life. We are at a historical turning point like they were. We know our cause is right, as they did. In retrospect we see that they did win out in the end. But at the time, they didn't know for sure that they would any more than we can say the same today. At times their cause seemed absolutely lost, as it may for some of us. But they didn't give up. they knew that what they were doing was the right thing, that they were on God's side. & so are we. Even if we lose in the short run, we cannot give up. We MUST keep on fighting. God asks no less of us. & we can't give any less either.
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