22 January will mark the 38th anniversary of the US Supreme Court's rulings allow the murder of millions of innocent children in the name of privacy rights. There will again be the annual
March for Life in DC, the
Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco & others including the walk sponsored by
DBQ Co. Right to Life here.
The fact that we are still even having to have these marches is something that back in the mid '70s I honestly never thought we would still have to be doing. Maybe it was youthful naïveté on my part, but I thought it would only be a few years until things would change & abortion would again be outlawed. Even arround 1989 I still thought it would be sooner rather than later.
However, here we are 38 years later & not only are the unborn still unprotected, we have the most pro-abortion administration & Congress there has ever been. At this point it would be so easy to give into dispair & say we should give up. But I refuse to say so. I will never give up so long as there is still a breath in me.
Yes, things seem dark in the short run, esp with health care reform threatening to enshrine abortion as health care, set things up for death panels & eventually enshrine euthenasia as well. We have a president who has done all he can to spread the gospel of the "culture of death" by overturning the Mexico City policy & sending funds over sees to encourage more abortions. This is the same president who told a bold-faced lie to Papa Benedetto when he said he would work to reduce the number of abortions. (He also promised transparency in government which we haven't exactly seen either, but that is for another time.)
Despite all this, & more, I am still filled with hope that 1 day the unborn will again be protected from murder in the womb.
1st of all, because I know that I am on the right side of this issue. Abortion is against both natural & divine law. In other words, I am on the side of the angels, I am on God's side when it comes to this issue.
The fact that abortion is clearly against the will of God, an intrinsic evil, means that it cannot continue to be allowed without consequences. The history of the Jewish people, God's Chosen people, that we read about in the Old Testament shows us clearly that when we disobey God, we will face the consequences.
The fact that we haven't yet is part of why I have hope. It tells me that the work & prayers of those of us in the Pro-life movement are having some effect. At the least we are holding back the hand of God so that our nation will have more time to repent. But I also think we have done much more than that.
1 of the early, but false, & ongoing, & still false, accusations made against the Pro-life movement is that all we care about was ending abortion. We didn't care about the woman or the child. That was never true. Early on the main focus did need to be on ending abortion. But even then crisis pregnancy centers & other programs were starting to provide alternatives & help for the woman & child (& father as well). These days those alternatives we offered are coming under attack for being successful. Abortion supporters are now getting laws passed that attack crisis pregnancy centers & try to silence those who do sidewalk ministry ath the abortion clinics. They are doing so because of the success of these ministries to reduce abortions as well as provide for those women & children.
The attacks clearly wouldn't be so strong if we weren't succeeding.
Another sign that things are changing as a result of our actions, undergirded by prayer, is the fact that more people are beginning to understand the truth about abortion 7 thus oppose it. 1st of all, that it does murder a human being. Educational activities that show what abortion does to the child, 3D & 4D ultrasounds & other scientific advancements have done much to bring this about.
Women & men who have been emotionally/psychologically harmed by abortion have also started to speak up. Many Christian ministries have sprung up to bring them emotional & especially spiritual forgiveness & healing. Sadly, the medical & psychiatric industry have so sold out to the "culture of death" that they still deny the existance of this harm or do their best to downplay it.
But more & more the physical damage & death caused by botched abortions is getting out as well. State & local enforcement agencies are being forced to do their job. Yes, there is a long way to go. many agencies still do not do the inspections they should. Many state & local law enforcement agencies do not investigate when women are brought into ERs & especially when those women die. & many state & county attorneys are still not prosecuting as they should.
The ugly facts that the industry will lie, help cover up rape & incest & do whatever it can to kill more unborn are coming out thanks to modern technology & undercover investigations by private citizens doing the job the media should have done all along. Like the failure to prosecute for botched abortions, law enforcement is still not fully doing its job here either. But those videos, & the alternative media like us bloggers is making it harder for the main stream media to cover it up & even harder for law enforcement to turn a blind eye.
The racist & eugenic roots of the abortion industry are also being exposed. Videos, films books are getting out that show the truth they don't want us to know.
The fact that all this is being done against the goliaths of the "culture of death" by Pro-life groups that can only be described as Davids because of how much less funding, political power & personnel is heartening to me. These groups are suceeding 1st of all because of those who support them wioth their prayers & then their money & deeds.
Yes, it is fustrating to see what is going on in Congress. Yes, it is disheartening to see people push for abortion as a means of fighting climate change. Yes, it hurts to see the UN, Planned Parenthood & others push for abortion as health care.
But, I still have hope & faith that we will win. The battle will never be completely won until the 2nd Coming of Christ. But until then I cannot give up. I cannot quit.
I will admit that I probably have not always done all I can. Yes, there have been times in my life where I have not been able to attend marches or participate in other activities. Those times I attempted to do all I could, pray & offer financial support. I know that I did fall down there. & I know that I still will at times. But, when I do fall short, I will, hopefully, quickly repent & again say yes to whatever God is calling me to do in the battle.
This blog is a part of what I am called to do. I will continue to put up posts about various events, positive & negative to educate & encourage people to action.
I will continue to work to uphold orthodox Catholic teachings as that is a huge part in battling the "culture of death" as well. We must always remember that ultimately this is a spiritual battle. The "culture of death" is demonic in origin & cannot be won by merely human weapons.
That means, beginning & ending with prayer. That means calling people to repentance for the sins of our culture. That means calling people to conversion from sin & to turn to Jesus as Lord & Savior. That means proclaiming the "fullness of truth" that is found in the Catholic Church. The attacks on the Catholic Church by dissidents within & without is a part of the attack plan by the "culture of death". That culture's final goal isn't just physical death, it is to cause the spiritual death of as many people as possible. Satan wants as many of us as he can get to spend eternity in hell with him. he knows he cannot win, but he also knows that God loves us enough to give us free will so we can reject that love & chose hell. That is why so much offered by the "culture of death" looks so nice.
It is that same love by God that refuses to just abandon us. It is that love that sent His Son, Jesus, to be born, to live among us, to teach us & finally to die for our sins. Jesus was not just a good man, he was not just a moral teacher. He IS Lord, God & Savior. He founded the Catholic Church & through it provides us with all we need to battle the "culture of death" as well as obtain our eternal salvation. That is why we see the attacks from within & without. Satan doesn't want the Church to get the truth out. So he uses lies & false teachers to try & undermine the Church. We have seen that time & time again. Persecution from without, heresies from within.
But, no matter what the attacks, the Church has survived & will survive. It will do so & even more than merely survive, it will triumph. We have been given the power to attack the very gates of hell & win.
So, even though things seem dark, I cannot give up. I know that I must go on. & so must we all. We must continue to pray. We must continue to act. We must continue to speak up. We must push for Pro-life laws. There are people out there who because of various reasons, like health or age, who say I cannot do anything. You can pray can't you? Without that nothing else matters. Your physical limitations mean nothing. Your sufferings can be used by God to help those of us who are "active".
& we must repent. Each of us for our individual sins, but also corporately for what our city, state & nation have done in promoting abortion or failed to do to end it. Repentance, prayer & fasting are just as much actively a part of the battle &, in some ways, even more important than the protesting, working for Pro-life candidates etc. We need them all. But I again remind you that without prayer fasting & repentance the others won't matter. This goes for all Christians, not just us Catholics.
In my younger days, I may have been naive about what it would take & how quickly things would change. You can see that I no longer am. But, I am also even more hopeful than ever that the victory is in site. I am well aware of the cost. & I am willing to pay it.
On 3 July 1776, John Adams wrote the following to Abigail about Congress' vote to declare independence:
"I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will triumph in that Days Transaction, even although We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not."
I am sure he wouldn't mind if I changed it just a bit as it expresses how I feel about defending the Catholic Church & fighting the "culture of death" to build the culture of life (spiritual as well as physical) God wants.
I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this battle to end abortion & build the culture of life God has called us to do, as well as to support and defend our Catholic faith. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will triumph in that Days Transaction, even although We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.
If we obey God & the precepts He has taught us through His Catholic Church, we may pay with our treasure & even our lives. But in the end, I can guarentee you we shall not rue it for we will be spending eternity in Heaven. & it will be worth more than all the means.
At 10/1/10 6:36 AM ,
Joe said...
We would not have had to endure this horror for 38 years but for the fact that the unborn human rights movement has disastrously blundered all the Republican Supreme Court nominations since 1973.
Since Roe vs Wade, Republican Presidents have made eight Supreme Court appointments. Four were abortionists who believed that the Constitution guaranteed a "right" to destroy human beings in the unborn stage (John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony Kennedy and David Souter). Four were what I call "judicial neutrals", that is they would overturn Roe vs Wade but would not rule that the Constitution guarantees unborn human rights (Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito).
The National Right To Life Committee, Americans United For Life and other organizations should have made sure that Republican Presidents knew to appoint only supporters of unborn human rights to the Court and they should have furnished them with a list of constitutional lawyers, law professors and judges who strongly support unborn human rights. How difficult was it to do this? They completely failed to achieve this and their blunders over the course of more than 30 years constitute one of the most shattering tragedies of human history.
The fatal blunders our movement committed in this area will haunt us all our lives and cost tens of millions of human beings their lives.
In the future, we must make absolutely certain that Republican Presidents (and presidential candidates) understand that they MUST appoint to the federal courts and the Supreme Court ONLY people who recognize that the Constitution, specifically the Fourteenth Amendment, guarantees unborn human rights.
We MUST make them understand that this is nonnegotiable and is the price of our support.
At 10/1/10 6:37 AM ,
Joe said...
We would not have had to endure this horror for 38 years but for the fact that the unborn human rights movement has disastrously blundered all the Republican Supreme Court nominations since 1973.
Since Roe vs Wade, Republican Presidents have made eight Supreme Court appointments. Four were abortionists who believed that the Constitution guaranteed a "right" to destroy human beings in the unborn stage (John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony Kennedy and David Souter). Four were what I call "judicial neutrals", that is they would overturn Roe vs Wade but would not rule that the Constitution guarantees unborn human rights (Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito).
The National Right To Life Committee, Americans United For Life and other organizations should have made sure that Republican Presidents knew to appoint only supporters of unborn human rights to the Court and they should have furnished them with a list of constitutional lawyers, law professors and judges who strongly support unborn human rights. How difficult was it to do this? They completely failed to achieve this and their blunders over the course of more than 30 years constitute one of the most shattering tragedies of human history.
The fatal blunders our movement committed in this area will haunt us all our lives and cost tens of millions of human beings their lives.
In the future, we must make absolutely certain that Republican Presidents (and presidential candidates) understand that they MUST appoint to the federal courts and the Supreme Court ONLY people who recognize that the Constitution, specifically the Fourteenth Amendment, guarantees unborn human rights.
We MUST make them understand that this is nonnegotiable and is the price of our support.
At 10/1/10 7:45 AM ,
Al said...
I will grant that most of the appointments by the Republicans have been a disappointment. But I am not ready to count out Scalia, Thomas Roberts or Alito completely.
& even should the court overturn Roe v Wade & say they are guarenteed human rights, the unborn are not 100% safe because a future court could reverse that.
We need a Constitutional amendment with clear language about personhood to be 100% safe.
& while political activity, including holding Pro-life politicians feet to the fire is important, without prayer & the conversion of people's hearts all the politics in the world won't change anything.
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