Too Little Too Late??
From: Tom Grenchik, Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
To: Diocesan Pro-Life Directors & State Catholic Conference Director
Re: URGENT: Nationwide USCCB Bulletin Insert on Health Care Reform
Congressional votes may take place as soon as early November. If your Arch/bishop is not in agreement with disseminating the bulletin insert, you will be hearing from his office immediately. You may wish to check with his office ASAP to see how you may be of assistance in distributing the Bulletin Insert, far and wide.Tomorrow, the USCCB will be e-mailing these same materials to a large number of parishes across the country, already on a USCCB contact list. The parish list is incomplete, so we will still have to rely on diocesan e-mail systems to reach EVERY parish. Thank you for your great help with this. Also included are suggested Pulpit Announcements and a Prayer Petition.
HC Cover Note to Leaders, Final.doc (a digital version of the email above)
HC Bulletin Insert 10-23-09 Final.pdf (the one-stop nationwide parish bulletin insert) BELOW
HC Pulpit Announcement & Prayer, Final 1.doc (a how-to for distributing the materials)
HC Ad Saving_Lives_Flyer_FINAL.pdf (a flyer to be placed on bulletin boards, etc.)
Tell Congress: Remove Abortion Funding & Mandates from Needed Health Care Reform
Genuine health care reform should protect the life and dignity of all people from the moment of conception until natural death. The U.S. bishops’ conference has concluded that all committeeapproved bills are seriously deficient on the issues of abortion and conscience, and do not provide adequate access to health care for immigrants and the poor. The bills will have to change or the bishops have pledged to oppose them.
Our nation is at a crossroads. Policies adopted in health care reform will have an impact for good or ill for years to come. None of the bills retains longstanding current policies against abortion funding or abortion coverage mandates, and none fully protects conscience rights in health care.
As the U.S. bishops’ letter of October 8 states:
“No one should be required to pay for or participate in abortion. It is essential that the legislation clearly apply to this new program longstanding and widely supported federal restrictions on abortion funding and mandates, and protections for rights of conscience. No current bill meets this test…. If acceptable language in these areas cannot be found, we will have to oppose the health care bill vigorously.”
For the full text of this letter and more information on proposed legislation and the bishops’ advocacy for authentic health care reform, visit:
Congressional leaders are attempting to put together final bills for floor consideration. Please contact your Representative and Senators today and urge them to fix these bills with the pro-life amendments noted below. Otherwise much needed health care reform will have to be opposed. Health care reform should be about saving lives, not destroying them.
ACTION: Contact Members through e-mail, phone calls or FAX letters.
To send a pre-written, instant e-mail to Congress go to
Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at: 202-224-3121, or call your Members’ local offices.
Full contact info can be found on Members’ web sites at &
“During floor debate on the health care reform bill, please support an amendment to incorporate longstanding policies against abortion funding and in favor of conscience rights.
If these serious concerns are not addressed, the final bill should be opposed.”
“Please support the Stupak Amendment that addresses essential pro-life concerns on abortion funding and conscience rights in the health care reform bill. Help ensure that the Rule for the bill allows a vote on this amendment. If these serious concerns are not addressed, the final bill should be opposed.”
WHEN: Both House and Senate are preparing for floor votes now. Act today! Thank you!
Labels: ObamaCare
At 30/10/09 10:26 PM ,
TH2 said...
Al, your title for the post is most apt. My view: I think it is too late and is, very likely, a compensation mechanism to make people forget about the CHD affair. The bureaucrats/bishops are being increasingly pressured by authentic Catholics, being exposed for their lukewarm/pantywaist Catholicism, and this is a kind of last minute attempt to "save face".
At 31/10/09 12:15 AM ,
Al said...
You may be right about the "save face". As for forgetting CCHD, I don't think that they will get that wish since many groups are organizing a campaign for when the CCHD collection is taken in Nov. Will be posting that info soon.
The sleeping giant that is authentic Catholics is waking up & demanding that their shepherds do what they were ordained to do.
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