Where are all those "so-called Catholic" critics of the Pro-Life movement now? I am refering to those who claim that the Pro-Life movement is a bunch of rude, ignorant, nasty vicious, uncivil people who have no respect for anyone. The fact that they have been silent about the attacks by abortion supporters on Pro-Lifers shows that what they really want is to silence us.
What happened Tuesday night at McGill University is just the latest example of not only who the really uncivil ones are, it is also a prime example of how the majority of so-called liberal arts colleges actually are anything but liberal.
On Tuesday night, Choose Life, a Pro-Life student organization at McGill sponsored a talk. It was entitled 'Echoes of the Holocaust' & was given by Jose Ruba of the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform. The purpose of the talk was to draw a parallel between past atrocities, such as the Holocaust, and abortion.
Naturally, that didn't sit too well with those who want to deny the truth about abortion. The Students Society of McGill University (SSMU) voted 25-2-2 to censure the event, threatening funding to Choose Life, if it went through with the presentation. I will applaud Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning) Morton Mendelson for not caving in & refusing to cancel the presentation. In fact he defended the group's right to debate the issue. He the McGill Daily that the university "want[s] to foster debate." "We do not want to restrict the expression of ideas. As I said to SSMU when I was asked to intervene and cancel the event, I said 'Look, debate free of constraint is important as long as the discourse remains civil, does not violate a law, or McGill's code of conduct and disciplinary procedures'."
Tuesday night we saw the real lack of civility. & it was by those who are pro-abortion. After Ruba began his presentation, about 20 students, including members of SSMU, began protesting, chanting, & singing children's songs such as Old MacDonald and the hokey pokey. At one point, they even sang 'Happy Birthday' to abortion, in English and French. They bombarded the stage, blocked the screen. 1 protester even grabbed at Ruba's written materials. Not exactly civil, is it.
The police finally arrived & arrested 2 of the protesters. The others joined the audience and continued to heckle Ruba after police had left. Again, not exactly civil.
1 of the arrested protesters was Elise Eisenkraft Klein. She told the McGill Tribune that she objected to the comparison between abortion and the Holocaust. "Normally I would defend [Choose Life]'s right to exist on campus, personally, I'm not speaking for any group," she said. "However, as a human being, but also as a Jew, I would say that this kind of comparison is not acceptable. By this ridiculous claim of trying to 'humanize' foetuses in order to further their cause, they are dehumanizing Jews."
By her denying the humanity of the unborn she just gave her stamp of approval to everything Hilter ever did to every Jew that she is supposedly defending. It was Hiltler that dehumanized the Jews, not Choose Life. It is her who is dehumanizing the unborn & by doing so dehumanizing herself & every other Jew.
As for the so-called pro-choice stance that these people claimed to uphold, Ruba got it right when he called them extremists. He also made it clear they are not pro-choice, they are pro-abortion. & their actions proved it. Talking about pro-choice students who approached him after the talk, he said they told him they regretted not being able to hear the full talk. He went on to say that these students were "prevented from choosing to hear the presentation by so-called 'pro-choice' activists who really are pro-abortion because they don't want discussion to happen."
Choose Life Founder & President Natalie Fohl told the McGill Tribune that she hopes to reschedule. "It's really unfortunate that we couldn't have respectful dialogue," she said. "That's the moral of the story. Hopefully we'll be able to reschedule." In an article that she co-wrote for the
McGill Daily (
Choose Life digs its heels in), she makes it clear they won't let this stop them. She has made it clear they hope to reschedule Ruba.
CampagneQuebecVie has posted the video that shows exactly how rude & nasty the Pro-abortion gang was. The
1st part shows how ignorant their actions were. Their crying "Wah-wah-wah!" showed their true colors. they were acting like spoiled brats, rude & ignorant. I will be honest, about 5 minutes in, I got sick to my stomach & stopped listenning to their disrepectful vocal actions.
Part 8 shows what occurred when the police arrived.
1 of the biggest lies is the claim by those opposed to Ruba is that that they called the event "stifling of educated debate". If they wanted debate, then they should have allowed him to speak, not shut him up because they find the truth about abortion offensive. The fact that they used fascist tactics put them, like Klein, on a par with Hitler.
As I have said before, for the pro-abortion side civility means Pro-lifers shut up, don't say anything & just go away. If you don't then we will use any means necessary to shut you up. That is not civility, it is terrorism, it is fascism, it is evil rearing its ugly head to persecute those who are speaking up & proclaiming the truth.
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