According to abortion supporters, it was wrong for Pro-Lifers to call Tiller a murderer, even though that is exactly what he was. But it is OK for abortion supporters to express their hatred towards us in any way they want. & get away with it. Case in example:
I decided to look at what was being said on Huf-Po about after reading a post on Creative Minority Report (HuffPo on Pro-Life Murder) about what was in the combox of the article on Jim Pouillomn's murder. I'll get to the combox in a moment. But I have to comment on the article 1st.
Why is it worded this way??? It makes it sound like Drake was the man killed. It isn't until the 4th paragraph that we find out Drake was the murderer. & it isn't until the 6th paragraph that Pouillon is mentioned by name.
HufPo is clearly showing its bias. You know darn well that any good news story would start with the name of the victim in the 1st paragraph. & it wouldn't use a confusing headline either. But since Pouillon is Pro-life, those rules don't count. In their mind he doesn't deserve the common courtesy or respect they demand for themselves.
& while there were some good comments, the majority range from the usual about a woman's right to chose to downright hostility. Here are some of the worst:
"That's what I call a late term abortion...."
"The right needs to stay the fvck (sic) out of my business and what I do with my body."
"Go Liberals!!!" (Imagine the outcry if someone had said "Go conservatives!!!" about Tiller's murder.)
"Sounds like a love triangle to me." (SICK)
Here come the old canards: "Someone who was the member of a violent movement to deny basic rights to individuals; a movement that frequently extolled its members to commit heinous crimes; that reveled in the deaths of their victims. That this individual himself is the victim of a heinous crime is at the same time tragic, ironic and poetic."
"As you sow, so shall ye reap." (Implying Pouillon supported Tiller's murder I guess.)
"I wonder if Ann Coulter will just call this a simple "procedure with a rifle"? (SICK, SICK, SICK!)
As to the anti-choice protester, James Pouillon ... it says that Troy Newman, president of the anti-chioce group Operation Rescue, said about him that "He was just a kind, gentle man ..." To that, I'd have to say no he wasn't, not if he was forcing photos of aborted foetuses on school children. He was a sick individual." (I wonder if this person puts any limits on what hios/her child watches reads etc? Probably not, anything is OK for most of this bunch, except the truth about abortion. We must protect our children from that. Actually, they are using the children to justify their not wanting to face the truth.)
"Chickens roosting yet?"
Here is another sicko: "I think that donating to a charity that provides reproductive health options to low income women is a good way to respond to the hateful anti-abortion protesters. They have their right to free speech, but I can ensure that every time I see one of their billboards, an abortion is going to be performed that might not otherwise due to lack of funds. For example, the NAF Rachel Falls Patient Assistance Fund."
"if he was in jail he would not have been on the wrong end of a bullet!!!!"
"Have you seen the horrible graphic posters these sociopaths display? It's not free speech, it's terrorism."
Some of the Pro-aborts are trying to paint the murderer as a right-winger because he owned a gun. We don't know what his political leanings were. & again note the glee as they do:
"It rather seems that the right wingers start to kill each other..."
"Except that the shooter was a rightie; and as a Leftie, you can take my gun from my cold dead fingers, and not before. The 2nd amendment protects me as well." A bit of sarcasm???
"One has to understand, however, that all those guns rights people and anti-abortion protestors need to learn that if one lives by the sword, then it can turn around and bite you." (Mixed metaphors)
& of course, Tiller was the true martyr just like JFK & Martin Luher King: "I'm sure anti-abortionists are going to make him a martyr. Dr. Tiller was a martyr. Not just for abortion, but for women's rights. This was probably just a drive by."
"More's the pity. If the Right had to worry about what the left has to, we would be a better nation.
John F Kennedy
Martin Luthor (sic) King Jr.
George Tiller
How many people can the right gun down to muzzle the left before we get what they are doing? " So now it is the right that is responsible for JFK & King's murders? As for putting Tiller on the same level as King, I will let his niece Alveda King speak to that: "For LeRoy Carhart to mention the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who worked through peaceful and nonviolent means, in the same breath with that of George Tiller, whose work ended peace and brought violence to babies in the womb, is offensive beyond belief. The analogy is just wrong." & of course, some bring up the fact that the Supreme Court legalized abortion & that should settle it. They forget that that same Court ruled that blacks were not human either, OKed "seperate but equal" at 1 time & several other things that they later reversed or were changed by amendment.
I could go on & on, but I won't.
On the other hand, at least 1 person got it right: "This is terrible. Most of all, I'm disappointed--but not surprised--to read comments on here that are essentially thinly veiled celebrations of this man's murder."
Meanwhile, our local paper just arrived. The story is buried on pg 7 in the news briefs. & doesn't mention either victim by name. I am also getting fed up with the Pro-abort media failing to mention the sign he was holding when shot showed a baby with the word "LIFE" under it & not the graphic images they are screaming about.
There are things that run through the mindset of those who are pro-abortion, they have no respect for any life except for their own. There is a strong stream of selfishness & uncaring running through what they do. As well as plenty of hate for God & those who stand up for the truth.
As I said before, murder can never be justified. But 1 thing is for sure, Tiller was a simple murderer, not a martyr, Pouillon was a peaceful man who was martyred for standing up for the unborn.
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