have a friend... oh, but, gentlemen. He's a friend of yours too.– Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
Notes From UndergroundHERO PRIEST: Fr. Alphonse de Valk
Hey Catholic peoples !
Perhaps you may consider helping Fr. Alphonse de Valk, editor of Catholic Insight, an orthodox Catholic magazine based out of Toronto, Canada.
Readers may be aware that Catholic Insight is under investigation by the Canadian Human Rights Commission in Ottawa after a complaint was filed over our coverage of the homosexual issue. The Canadian Human Rights Act, under subsection 13(1), categorizes as a “discriminatory practice” the communication by individuals or groups of messages “likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt.” Hatred and contempt are not defined, allowing anyone to file a complaint on the flimsiest of grounds. These messages then become “thought crimes.” While the legal expenses of human rights complainants are funded from the public purse, those of defendants are not. We need to engage legal counsel and defray expenses for additional staff time, publicity, correspondence and so on. Our regular fundraising appeal takes place only once every two years. However, at this time, we must make a special request for funds in light of the unexpected new demands being made upon our budget. If you are able to help, please send your cheque or money order to Catholic Insight, P.O. Box 625, Adelaide Station, Toronto, Ontario, [Canada] M5C 2J8. For a credit card donation, you can call us at (416) 204–9601 or e–mail admin@catholicinsight.com. Catholic Insight is fighting to preserve the rights to freedom of expression, religion and the press as guaranteed by our Constitution. God bless you for your support. [PayPal also available.]
TH2 COMMENTS: Although its circulation is relatively small, Catholic Insight IS Canada’s national Catholic magazine, in terms of its adherence to orthodoxy. Canada’s oldest English–speaking Catholic periodical/newspaper is The Catholic Register, although now it promotes a wishy–washy, borderline–dwelling Catholicism, and I can think of one histrionic radical still on its writing staff. In contradistinction to this squeamish neutrality, the courageous Fr. de Valk and his team are fighting the good fight. Ever since Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919–2000) became Prime Minister in 1968 – a notoriously bad Catholic, his instituted policies (e.g. Gallicanism, Mulitculturalism) have led Canada on a downslide along the road called Fabianism (see definition in
Note 2, EOS–2). This has devolved to such a degree that Fr. de Valk / Catholic Insight has been accused of a “hate crime” (read thought crime, Orwell 1984) when he published writings – wholly in line with the Magisterium – against homosexualism.
If unable to contribute, your prayers for this good, holy and longsuffering priest would still be appreciated. Fr. de Valk is one of my heroes, and if you read about his plight (see links below), then, Catholic peoples, he might become a hero of yours too.
Catholic Insight Defense Fund:
LINK[the Defense Fund link is also located at the bottom of the sidebar on this
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