It just keeps getting worse. I would have no problem with Cardinal O'Malley presiding over a private Mass, but given how political this will be, his allowing this is tacit approval of Kennedy's long time anti-life stands. We won't go into details of the rest of Teddy's scandalous behavior that ranged from causing Mary Jo Kopeckne's death to his alley cat morals. Of course given how long he took to finally back out of the health insurance fiasco with the Massachusetts State Insurance program, O'Malley's presiding doesn't totally surprize me. Still, this is clearly anything but the right thing for the Cardinal to do since his participation IS scandoulous.
Below is part of the news report with the program for the funeral Mass. In addition to the Obama eulogy his sons will be giving a tribute to him. It appears all this will take place after Communion. 1st of all, neither of this is appropriate at any time during Mass. But, IMHO, it is even more scandalous & blasphemous to have them after Communion. The kids memorial will be the presentation of the cause followed by Obama's declaration of Teddy as a saint. Given this is supposed to be a time of reflection after receiving Christ in the Eucharist, I suspect that many of the so-called Catholics who are pro-abortion will be relieved to have another blasphemy follow their blasphemous actions rather than have time to reflect on the scandolous sin they just committed.
Then there is the so-called Intercessory Prayers that will consist of reading quotes from Ted Kennedy. Sorry, but once again this is in clear violation of the GIRM on what can & can't be done for the Prayer of the Faithful which is its proper name. In this case, I suspect calling them "intercessory prayers" is more accurate since so many of those there are anything but faithful Catholics. So any prayer they said clearly would be a prayer of the unfaithful.
I assume there will be a Gospel reading & it will be done by the homilst, thus why it isn't mentioned. & anyone who knows how anything but Catholic Boston College is, it is no surprize that Fr. Monan SJ, former president of the college, will concelebrate. I am sure he helped Teddy overcome any doubts about being pro-abortion if Teddy's conscience ever reared its ugly head.
O'Malley to preside at Kennedy funeralCardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston will preside at the funeral of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy tomorrow at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (the Mission Church). The Rev. J. Donald Monan, a Jesuit priest who was the longtime president of Boston College and is now the chancellor, will be the principal celebrant. And the Rev. Mark R. Hession, pastor of
Our Lady of Victory Parish in Centerville, will deliver the homily.
First Reading: Curran Raclin, stepson
Responsorial: Kara Kennedy Allen, daughter
Second Reading: Caroline Raclin, stepdaughter
Homily: Rev. Mark Hession
Intercessory Prayers: Kennedy's four grandchildren, and the youngest grandchild of each of his siblings, will read quotes from his speeches. (The family chose to honor the youngest children because Kennedy was the youngest in his family.)
Offertory: Grandchildren
Music by Yo-Yo Ma
Music by Placido Domingo accompanied by the Tanglewood Festival Chorus
"Ave Maria" by Susan Graham of the Metropolitan Opera
Tribute: Edward M. Kennedy Jr. and US Representative Patrick J. Kennedy (sons)
Eulogy: President Obama
Song: America the Beautiful
At 29/8/09 8:52 PM ,
Chris Dickson, F.L.A. said...
Sorry, but I went into seclusion from my TV set yesterday rather than allow the circus to illicit from me massive waves of "projectile vomiting"...
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