A quote from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has popped up on a couple of blogs. In an
interview for next Sunday's
New York Times Magazine she said the following: "
Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion."
Let's look at the 1st line where she refers to "populations we don't want to have too many of." So what does she mean by that? I think the clue is in the next line where she sees Roe as openning the door to Medicaid funding of abortion.
So who would get those abortions? Poor blacks & Hispanics for the large part. So she is saying that blacks or Hispanics are a population we "don't want to many of"? & isn't that exactly what Margaret Sanger said time & time again?
Margaret Sanger would be smiling if she could see her racist policy being promoted from so high a position in our Federal government.
Now if a conservative had made a comment like this, black & Hispanic leaders would be demanding his or her head. & rightly so. Ginsberg statement makes it clear that minorities are undesirables that ought to be controled & eliminated.
Black & Hispanic leaders should be screaming about what Ginsberg said, but they won't. These leaders don't care about their people or they would. & the only reason I can see for their silence is that power is more important to them. What is said is that I suspect some of these leaders really did care at 1 time. But they, like so many others, have sold their solds for a mess of pottage, a pile of gold, for Wales (see A Man for All Seasons for those who don't get that.)
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