An Archbishop & Saint For Today
He would know how to deal with this treachery!

I got through this day of treachery and compromise by watching Becket (on DVD) with Peter O'Toole and Richard Burton.
Saint Thomas Becket spent most of his life playing to the political classes and serving at the whim of King Henry II. He was very thorough in the King's work and making it very clear that he was in the pursuits of what his secular King deemed appropriate.
It was only when the King usurped seat of Canterbury by forcing Saint Thomas Becket's placement as the Archbishop that his allegiance shifted. His conversion put him in direct conflict with the King, when the whole entire point of appointing Saint Thomas Becket was so that the King could control the Church.
As we all know this ended in the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral defending his Church.
Contrast that to what happened today! Where were the Bishops? Where are the defenders. Is there anyone left who would gladly face martyrdom to protect the Church. All we seem to have is lunatic martyrs in the Muslim world that will only use their death as a tool for human destruction.
The slaughtering of innocents goes on, supported by Priests, institutions, Bishops, and lay people who know better. All the while our culture and way of life is coming to an end by our own selfishness and greed. The smug bastard better known as our President councils us in our own institution on how we should act. Saint Thomas Becket we need your prayers and your assistance. Please petition our Lord for the strength and courage we need to stand as you did in the face of great earthly power and smite it with Justice, Fortitude, and Charity!
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