In my reading posts across the blog-o-sphere, I recently came across an article that I can best describe as Catholic bashing, plain & simple. Catholic bishops revealed as key in marriage battle is about a supposed conspiracy by the US Bishops to deny gay couples their rights. The evil Bishops using the KCs as their henchmen.
I can summarize the article as a screed attacking the Catholic Church for speaking out & upholding authentic Catholic teaching that it has taught for 2000 yrs. It has all the usual suspects doing it, including the "self-called Catholic" group Dignity USA (not exactly a hot bed of Catholic orthodoxy or obedience to the hierarchy).
The whole article drips of so much hate, scorn & disdain for the Catholic Church & its teachings. & in doing so, it reveals the hypocricy of the "gay rights" movement. They are motivated by a hate of God because they know that what they are doing is evil & straight out of Hell. So rather than listen to the Catholic Church's loving & merciful call to repentance from a sinful lifestyle, like so many others over the centuries, THEY KILL THE MESSENGER.
While I could tear apart the entire article & show how far from the truth is I will just focus on 2 things, a comment from the Dignity spokesheritic, & a comment by Harry Knox, the religion and faith program director for the Human Rights Campaign.
1st of all what Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of Dignity USA, said. "The core of our faith is love. When you start from the point that wherever there is love there is God, for the bishops of the church to be working so hard against some love, forcing our relationships to face challenges and obstacles that other kinds of love don't face, that is totally opposite to what we believe Jesus Christ came to live."
Talk about twisting the truth arround. She starts out with a truth. The core of the Catholic faith is love. See John 3:16 for a start. But it is from there that she starts to go off base. What she is equating with love is sin. What she calls "some love" is lust, not love!!!!! Lust is sin. Sin & love cannot coexist.
As for Jesus, remember, he came call sinners to repentance, not to help them party their way into Hell. As I have said so many times, it is not love to allow someone to continue in a sinful lifestyle without telling them the truth in a loving way in the hope of them repenting from their sinful lifestyle. Love is caring enough to call sin sin & call people to repentance. Just like Jesus did.
The other quote: "Knox noted that the Knights of Columbus 'followed discredited leaders,' including bishops and Pope Benedict XVI. 'A pope who literally today said condoms don't help in control of AIDS,' Knox said Tuesday, shortly after the pope's comments were released." DISCREDITED?? BY WHOM???? If you mean the opinion of men who are rebeling against God, yes. If you mean by God, I don't think so. PS to Knox: you know full well that the Pope was right in what he said about condoms.
I conclude with a question asking someone to explain the following from the article: "Catholic officials, however, have deliberately cloaked their actions in opposing marriage equality from public view." OK, given that the Catholic Church has made it clear time after time, in word & deed, that it opposes your blasphemous mocking of marriage, how have the cloaked it? & Niederauer didn't exactly cloak his actions as you claim, so that answer doesn't count.
I realize that by my defending Catholic teaching, these same people who say it OK for them to bash Catholics, but anything I say, even in love, against where they stand will be seen as my being a hatefilled enemy of theirs. I am not. I love you enough to say the truth. Repent, before it is too late. I don't want a single one of you to spend eternity in Hell. God loves you & so do I. That is why I must speak up & defend the Catholic Church's teaching. I will have to answer if I am silent. So, I cannot & willnot be.
At 24/3/09 8:55 AM ,
Tony said...
Don't you think that after 2000 years some laws become outdated and taboos made by the church should be demolished.
At 24/3/09 10:24 PM ,
Simplex Vir said...
Al, this post is in PINK I can't read it against the light background. Can you fix it so I can read? Thanks Buddy!
At 26/3/09 10:57 PM ,
Al said...
Church laws are 1 thing, like eating meat on Fridays or which days to fast on. This is a law isntituted by God, not man, that marriage is only between a man & a woman & that sexual relations are to be limited to occuring within that marriage.
The Church can no more change that than it can change any of God's commandments. The reason, God's laws are never outdated.
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