I Guess This Means God Is Homophobic
BRASILIA, February 13, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Brazilian government has determined that 99% of its citizens are "homophobic," and therefore must be reeducated, according to the Brazilian newspaper O Globo.
The results are taken from a study that tested for "homophobia" by asking people to comment on such statements as "God made men and women with different sexes so that they could fulfill their role and have children." The 92% of Brazilians who agreed partially or completely with the statement were labeled "homophobic."
Another test question for "homophobia" was, "Homosexuality is a sin against the laws of God." Fifty-eight percent of Brazilians agreed.
Those who agreed partially or completely that "Homosexuality is an illness that should be treated" (41%) were also labeled "homophobic," as were those who objected to homosexuals kissing and hugging in public (64%).
According to O Globo, Brazil's federal government will use the data "to plan new policies, and warns that it has now detected a dark consequence of so much prejudice: intolerance." The study was performed by an organization linked to the socialist Labor Party, which currently occupies the nation's executive branch and predominates in the legislature.
"There's no way [for the government] not to involve itself, because intolerance must manifest itself in crimes, including crimes committed by agents of the government," said Paulo Biagi, coordinator of the government's official "Brazil Without Homophobia" campaign.
Biagi says that the government will now begin to "rearticulate" the case for its proposed "anti-homophobia" law, which would make it illegal to criticize homosexual behavior in Brazil.
In addition, the government will be launching the National Plan for the Promotion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Citizens in May. It will also soon initiate a television campaign to combat "homophobia" in conjunction with ten other Latin American countries.
"What is surprising is how a population that is 99% against homosexuality is accepting passively that its 100% pro-homosexuality government is lifting homosexual acts to the level of inviolable sacredness," wrote Brazilian pro-family activist Julio Severo on his blog, Last Days Watchman, "and at the same time it is lowering 99% of Brazilians to the class of 'ignorant mob' that should be forcefully condemned to state policies of reeducation,"
Related Links:
"Study" in the Brazilian newspaper O Globo: 99% Brazilians do not accept homosexuality
In Portuguese:
Related LifeSiteNews coverage:
Brazilian President: Opposition to Homosexuality is a "Perverse Disease"
Brazilian Government Punishes Dissenters of Pro-Homosexuality Policy
Brazilian Homosexuals File "Hate" Charges Against Brazilian Christians
Brazil Attacks Against Family Defenders Backed by Pro-Homosexual Regime of Nation's President
At 15/2/09 4:02 PM ,
feetxxxl said...
guess what.............. scripture never ever said homosexuality is a sin.
not in lev where not all prohibitions were of themselves sins.
not in gen which is about gang rape.
not in romans because homosexuals have no women, and have never had an attraction to the opposite sex from their earliest sexual memories,and cannot abandon what they dont have. plus homosexual bonding is about 2 people of the same sex coming together out of mutual love, respect, trust, affection,and devotion for a committed shared life together.............which is not the shame based lust(niv)of romans.
not in 1cor and 1tim which is about "defiling oneself with mankind" there is nothing defiling about homosexuality. instead it is affirming and positive in the same way that hetersexual bonding is affirming to heterosexuals.
At 15/2/09 10:51 PM ,
Al said...
Maybe you better go back & reread it. It does condemn homosexual behavior. It says clearly
"a man shall not lie with another manas with a woman" right in Leviticus. & lie with means to have sex with. Homosexual actions are sinful. & God does condemn the action OT & NT.
The whole point is they define homophobic as being opposed to homosexual behavior that is sin & is condemned by God's word. So by that definition God is homophobic.
At 16/2/09 3:25 AM ,
feetxxxl said...
lets try this again.
lev ....not all prohibitions of themselves were sins.
numbers15: 32 While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. 33 Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, 34 and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. 35 Then the LORD said to Moses, "The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp." 36 So the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the LORD commanded Moses.
there is nothing sinful about gathering wood, or doing it on the sabbath.
yet under the old covenant it was a capital offence, because god made a prohibition against doing so.
At 16/2/09 4:53 AM ,
Al said...
Let's cut out the sophistry OK. You're phrase "not all prohibitions of themselves were sins." also means that some were. & it has been consistantly taught that homosexual acts/practices are sin.
I could go into the whole long explanaition of what Jesus taught about marriage being only between a man & a woman, not 2 men, that any form of sex, including masturbation & homosexuality outside of marriage is a sin etc, but it is clear that you don't accept the authority of the Bible or the Church's authority to interpret it.
& yes, what that man gathering wood you bring up did was sin, for the very reason you said, God prohibited it. By doing so, he disobeyed God & that is sin, plain & simple.
& don't give the BS about how the Church has changed some rules, like eating meat on Friday. When it was prohibited by the Church it was a sin because a Catholic was disobeying the lawful authority of the Church given by jesus to "bind & unbind".
homosexual acts were sin in the OT, is sin in the NT & always will be sin.
At 16/2/09 4:55 PM ,
feetxxxl said...
what was consistently taught is of no scriptural basis, and is therfore wrong. antiquity is no test for the truth.
there is no "only" in jesus's teaching of one man and one woman. therefore this is but one possibility for being in christ.
regardless what any curch teaches each believer is responsible for themselves, to acknowledge in their own heart, what they actually believe. in their eventual judgement, it is their heart that will eventually be judged.
under the new covenant gathering wood on the sabbath is not a sin.
the body of believers is the church, the bride of christ. the authority that each believer answers to is to the one that lives inside him......jesus christ, who has been put in authority over all things and has been given all judgement.
the magisterium affirms a set of laws and declares them unchallengable.
scripture says ithess5:21 "test everything, keep the good."
the magisterium affirms a list of laws for believers to be under and to be led by.
galatians and romans says that under the new covenant we are no longer under the law, but are led by and serve of the spirit.
it is from the spirit that law comes from. why be led by what comes from the spirit which is weakened rather than the spirit itself.
Romans 8:3
For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man,
At 16/2/09 11:07 PM ,
Al said...
Your rejection of Church authority has no basis in Scripture, especially since it was the Church that determined what was or wasn't Scripture in the 1st place.
Besides, as you very well know, the Church's teaching on homosexual behavior is taken from Scripture.
& Jesus did talk about marriage as being ordained by God as being a man & a woman from the 1st.
You do a great job of cherry picking what you want.
You also seem, to think that Scripture is completely up to individual interpretation. Explain 2 Peter 1:20 where it says that prophecy (refering to biblical prophecy as well as that in the Church at the time it was written. Clearly, it was expected that the Church would be the final interpreter, not an individual.
& how about 2 Peter 3:15-16 where it makes it clear that individuals are wrongly interpreting what Paul wrote in his Epistles & is clearly seen as on a par with the OT Scripture?
At 17/2/09 9:51 AM ,
feetxxxl said...
yes a group of believers came together to constitute what would be the books of the bible. and god honored their effort with his anointing.
the church also upheld the practice of in dulgences for 1500 years, burned those believed to be witches at the stake for 1700 years, executed scores of people for heresy(huus who spoke against the practice of indulgencies) for 1700 years, actively participated in the spanish inquisition, slaughtered other believers over a creed (war between french protestants and catholics), and encouraged the practice of ETHNIC slavery for 1700 years ( god's evangelical tool for the conversion of pagans)
show me in scripture how the words of the verses, you stand on, say that homosexuality is a sin
AGAIN................there is no "ONLY' in the teaching about marriage. jesus said "you will recognize them by their fruit". fruit being the fruit of the spirit. because it is thru the fruit of the spirit that we produce things that last and in doing so, lay up treasures in heaven.
the lives of homosexuals believers are filled with the fruit of the spirit in the same way as heterosexual believers. believing homosexual marriages are filled with the fruit of the spirit in the same way as believing heterosexual marriages.
surely you would agree that the fruit of the spirit of christ is different from the fruit of the spirit of the acts of the sin nature, powers, principalities, and satan.
i cherry pick nothing but embrace all scripture. it is you who have to yet to confront my points of scripture.
20Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. 21For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
\you and i are the church. it is for each believer to decide what he believes about anything in his own heart in regards to christ. is not christ living in each believer. did not jesus send the holy spirit to convict each believer of all truth.
does not i thess 5:21 say test everything, keep the good.
if homosexual believing lives and marriages are filled with the fruit of the spirit in the same way as those heterosexual, is that not witness that they are of god? would you say the same of those given over to acts of the sin nature with those that were not?
in regards to 2peter3................which is greater: human understanding( an understanding of those that see in part, a poor reflection thru a glass darkly) or witness of the reality of where the spirit rests?
At 17/2/09 9:21 PM ,
feetxxxl said...
i sent a reply twice where is it?
At 19/2/09 11:03 PM ,
Al said...
"it is for each believer to decide what he believes about anything in his own heart in regards to christ. is not christ living in each believer."
So then why is my interpretation wrong? It seems to me that you have set yourself up as the infallible interpeter of what is the only right & wrong way to understand it.
PS. The only reason I haven't repsionded before now is because I was away from a computer for a couple days.
At 20/2/09 11:51 AM ,
feetxxxl said...
im not setting myself up as anything.
1thess5:21 says (which is repeated in other places in scripture) "test everything, keep the good.
what i am giving you is my test. it is to you thru the one who lives in you to determine its validity.
my point to you is if my reasloning thru the scriptures is incorrect or my testimony of my witness of the spirit is not valid..............please explain by revealing your own reasoning and your own witness of the spirit.
At 20/2/09 10:47 PM ,
Al said...
I already have, 2000 years of the Holy Spirit working through the Catholic Church. Yet, you have chosen to reject what multitudes of people have determined is the truth under the guidance of the Holy Spirit because you have decided you are the only one who knows what the Holy Spirit has said. By your definition there is no absolute truth. Therefore it is clear to me that you have rejected bith the source of truth Jesus Christ & the Church he established (which is Scriptural despite your claims to the contrary). Therefore this conversation is over. I will not have this become a forum for your attacks on Jesus or His Church.
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