Believe it or not, the Madoff fraud actually has a positive side to it. It has proven the truth of the proverb "It is an ill wind that blows no good". In this case the good is the financial harm it has done to the three organizations that handle virtually all major reproductive rights-related litigation and legal advocacy in the United States. The Center for Reproductive Rights needs to make up a $600,000 shortage in 2009; Planned Parenthood is out $484,000; the ACLU's Reproductive Freedom Project is off $200,000. Why? 1 of their biggest source of funds, the Florida-based Picower Foundation, was forced to close in December due to financial problems with its assets, which were managed by Madoff.
The funding from Picower has already forced the Planned Parenthood Federation of America to cut back. Last week it announced it is laying off around 20% of its staff (30 people) in part due to the Madoff scandal. I can guarentee you that PP will use this to call for more government funding from all levels, this despite their huge $1 million dollar profits from their last fiscal year & all the scandals coming out about their lawbreaking activities. & despite the fact that their buddy Harry Reid has introduced another boondogle that will help them make more money while ensuring the truth doesn't get out there, S. 21, "The Prevention First Act". Although PP is happy about that handout as well I am sure they will ask for more, more more.
As for the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), it has an in with the Obama administration. Last November, former CRR lobbyist and New York lawyer Melody C. Barnes was appointed to become President-elect Barack Obama’s Director of the Domestic Policy Council. I'm sure he is already working on ways to include their shortfall in the upcoming bailout package Obama is calling for. CRR has been linked to a strategy to force permissive abortion laws upon Latin America.
Then there is the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project. It is more proof that the ACLU is out to undermine the Constitution, not defend the rights guarenteed by it. It issued a report in 2002 entitled “Religious Refusals and Reproductive Rights.” That report characterizing the expansion of Catholic hospitals as a “growth in the sectarian health system”. It advocated the restricting the ability of Catholic hospitals and other institutions to refuse to perform procedures they find objectionable, such as sterilizations or abortions.
It went on to say: “The law should not permit an institution’s religious strictures to interfere with the public’s access to reproductive health care". It did say that medical professionals should be allowed to opt-out of procedures to which they object. But it insisted that they must cooperate in giving “complete and accurate information” and in making “appropriate referrals.” The problem with "complete and accurate" is that by ACLU & pro-abortion standards none of the harmful effects or what it really does to the unborn child are allowed.
Then there is the most hypocritical line of all in the report: “We reject the imposition of religious doctrines on those who do not share them, especially at the expense of the public health”. But isn't that exactly what they are doing by saying that individual religious belief and institutional religious worship should be “balanced” with protections for “reproductive health,” patient autonomy, and “gender equality.” In plain English, you can't impose your doctrines, but we can impose ours. So much for the 1st Amendment protections of "free expression" of religion or "free speech".
Need more proof? The Reproductive Freedom Project has also advocated limiting the ability of pharmacists to refuse to dispense contraceptives. & it has attacked recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services rules reinforcing medical professionals’ and medical institutions’ conscience protection guarantees provided by federal law.
This once again proves that Pro-choice is anything but pro-choice, it is pro-death, pro-abortion & anti-Christ. You can't trample our mythical right to abortion, but we can trample any & every one of your God given rights, especially the unborn child's right to life.
Sadly, many innocent people were hurt by Madoff's schemes. But the silver lining is that his actions have also, at least temporarily, put a crimp in the efforts of the "culture of death" to harm to the unborn & our culture as a whole. For once evil has shot itself in the foot. Praise God for that!!!
Regarding S21, this just shows how much the Dems are in the back pocket of PP. Any doubts, Democratic Representatives Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY) and Diana DeGette (D-CO) were expected to introduce similar legislation in the House. Despite the record profits, despite all the scandals etc, the Dems can be relied on to aid & abet PP in its efforts to build a "culture of death" that will ensure PP makes even more money as well. (I won't go into how little regard for the Constitution they have as well, since S21 is a spending bill & thus, according to the Cosntitution should never have been allowed to be introduced in the Senate in the 1st place. I guess this is where the House Bill comes in, to give the appearance of Constitutionality.)
What is nauseating to me is PP's claim that this funding will ensure "critically needed affordable family planning education and reproductive health care services". I can assure you that that "family planning education" does not include Natural Family Planning & the "health care services" they are talking about means more abortions funded by our tax dollars. & even better, the bill ensures PP will do all these things without the bother of parental involvement for minors or having a reporting requirement in place for young girls who may have been victims of abuse and/or rape. Given the news from Ohio & elsewhere, this last bit is especially egregious.
Part of the S21 funding will go to Title X which requires abortion referrals. So much for their claims of wanting to reduce abortions. & when PP is applauding the help for low-income people, read continuing the racist policies towards the minorities that it has targeted since the days of founder Margaret Sanger.
As I type this, I am amazed at how merciful God is since I can't believe we haven't exhausted that mercy yet. I have to wonder how much longer before we reach a point like that of Sodom & Gommorah where we will leave God no other option but chastisement.
At 13/1/09 8:37 AM ,
Joe said...
The ACLU wants to force Catholic and other hospitals to commit crimes. Killing human beings in either the unborn or born stages is a crime against human life.
The ACLU would force hospitals to commit abortion crimes, would force physicians and other health care providers (and I mean real health care providers, not those who pretend to be while killing children) to participate in crimes by making them refer their patients to others who would kill their children and would force taxpayers to participate in crimes using money the government takes from them.
The ACLU, by forcing people to participate in crimes against their will, is itself committing crimes against both human beings in the unborn stage and those against whom they wish to use political force.
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