*Or why Planned Parenthood isn't looking forward to 5 April 2009
Simple, that day will see the end of the Spring 2009
40 Days for Life campaign. & if, as it should, it follows true to form many more Pro-Life victories will result. Many unborn lives will be saved, maybe another clinic (or more) will close, & who knows what other spiritual victories.
They are currently taking applications for the Spring 2009 Campaign sites (
application form here). But they need to be in by 14 January 2009. With the growth of the 40 Days for Life & the start of some new initiatives that are keeping national director David Bereit busy there was a need to add a director to handle the Spring campaign. Shawn Carney has been tapped to fill that role.
He comes with excellent credentials. He was one of the original four people whose prayers around the old wooden table in College Station, Texas, led to the start of 40 Days for Life. He also led the team that went door-to-door to 25,000 homes during the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign. He has led FOUR local 40 Days for Life campaigns in his hometown. He serves as executive director of the Coalition for Life, one of the most effective and respected local pro-life organizations in America. He is host and executive producer of the EWTN pro-life show, "Being Human,". He speaks for pro-life organizations across America, and has a track record of dramatically increasing income at groups' fundraising banquets. He has traveled to 48 different cities during the fall 40 Days for Life campaign. He has helped to train more than 200 cities on how to conduct a successful 40 Days for Life.
Here is a video from Shawn Carney & his family to introduce you to him as well as to share some of the successes from the past that are laying the groundwork for future victories. After seeing it you will understand even more fully why I say PP isn't looking forward to the arrival of Spring 2009.
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