. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says Yahweh Sabaoth" Zach 4:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dio di Signore, nella Sua volontà è nostra pace!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin 1759
Friday, December 05, 2008
If She Hadn't Been Asked She Never Would Have Mentioned Jesus
“Well, it’s the spirit of the season. It reminds us of the debt of gratitude we have to our troops who are serving our country especially at this time when they’re away from home. It reminds us of our commitment to the future because Christmas is about children. And it’s something that brings us all together and of course today particularly, we see the pride that Montanans take in their state, in their culture and the natural resources that they are blessed with. So, it’s about – it’s about renewal. It’s about friendship. It’s about patriotism. It’s about faith and it’s about our country.” - Pelosi
“It’s hope. It’s promise. We are optimistic, positive people, we Americans. It’s helpful, every once in a while, when Christmas comes along, for us to remember that our real values are love, peace and working together and the promise of next year. And I think the lighting of the tree – particularly when the lights come on – it kind of gets in our hearts and our souls and it helps us all come together in a very positive, wonderful way.” - Baucus
I'd like to ask Pelosi why, if she is such a good Catholic, she had to be asked before she even brought up Jesus' birth? Where in the entire Bible does it say that Jesus' birth was about patriotism? The whole statement was a PC feel good political statement made so she would look good. I am also willing to bet that if this had been a Main Stream Media reporter, the question about Jesus would never have come up.
Baucus' feel good response is just as vacuous. Talking about values without mentioning the source of those values?
I could go on & on, but why bother, I think most of you are smart enough to connect the dots without my having to point out every little thing.
Sometimes I wish the Puritans had succeeded in banning the celebration of Christmas as a public event. At least then it wouldn't have been publicly turned into the antithesis of what it really is.
Over the years "Jesus is the reason for the season" & "Keep Christ in Christmas" have popped up. Without Christ's birth & the rise of a Christian culture in Europe, I doubt this country would exist. Despite attempts to the deny it, the fact is our entire Western Civilization is based on the Birth, Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ. & without Him, it is nothing.
Sono Italiano-americano. I am a member of St Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church. I am an advisor to Alpha Phi Omega & College Republicans at Loras College. I am a member of the Dubuque Co. Republican Central Committee. I have been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement since 1974. For me the overriding issue of the day is defending the preborn & upholding their right to life. If we don't value life before birth, we devalue it after birth. Life is a gift from God. This is why I am a supporter of the work that Dubuque County Right to Life does in my area. & that is why I am politically active. Our nation's laws need to be changed to protect all from conception to natural death.
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