Today marks the 4th Anniversary of this blog. I started it on this date in 2004. At 1st I was a bit more sporadic on my posts. After Papa Benedetto was elected (19 April 2006) I let this slip & didn't start back up until 14 months later. Since then I have tried my best to keep going.
While most of the time I am serious, occasionally I try to have some fun.
This last year has been especially trying at times. Seeing the most Pro-abortion president elected definitely wasn't good news. & at times I have been fustrated with the American Bishops & the Catholic In Name Only (CINO) gang.
There have been good things that have happenned like the
40 Days for Life campaigns victories. & the "culture of death" has been dealt a few set backs.
I've explained the name of ths blog before, but for those of you who haven't checked out my older posts, Ill say it again.
This blog it taken from the title of a song John Adams sings in the musical 1776. It is right before the final vote on declaring Independence from England. (The play/movie combines the vote on Independence with that of the document for dramatic purposes.) The South has just walked out & it looks like everything is lost. A dispatch from Gen. Washington arrives. In it Washington bemoans the lack of response from Congress. (Oh, that we had that problem now.) Washington asks :"Is anybody there?"
Adams is alone in the Congressional Chamber & begins reflecting on the line. He feels alone, & is full of doubts. He is wondering why no one else gets the fact that declaring Independence is the right thing to do. Which leads into the song. The song takes some of its lines from a letter John wrote to Abigail on 3 July after Congress declared Independence. That letter was amazingly accurate on its prediction.
The movie quickly became my favorite movie & John Adams became my favorite president & a hero of mine. That song became 1 of my favorites from the show. So, when I started this blog, I didn't really think that I would get more than a few hits, if any, each day. Thus the title of the song seemed a natural for the title of this blog. Even if I didn't get a lot of hits, I felt I needed to speak out as a witness to Christ. & by some miracle, God has gotten some people to come & read what I have to say. & then even come back.
There are many battles ahead. The cry to defend life must continue to be shouted out loud & clear. God willing, I will continue to speak up & speak out. I will try to be faithful in sharing what God wants me to focus on. & hopefully continue to have a little fun while doing so.
MILLE GRAZIE to all my readers for letting me see that there is someone out there & that I am not alone in what I see God is doing & wants us to do.
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