Apparently when the Main Stream Media wants it to appear that way so it can help those Catholics in Name Only (CINOs) who support abortion rightsseem like they are middle of the road when they are the real extremists. My proof. The following excerpts from a
TIME magaizine article on Joe Biden (emphasis mine):
"Sure enough, the day after Biden's selection the archbishop of Denver declared that the Catholic senator should "refrain from presenting himself for communion." Archbishop Charles Chaput was one of the handful of Catholic leaders who had targeted Kerry in 2004, but he had become a marginalized in the bishops conference — losing key leadership elections — in part because of his extreme views about denying communion to politicians."
"Even Kerry, whose support for abortion rights is much stronger than Biden's and who was running at the top of the ticket, never generated attention from more than a handful of the most extreme bishops."
PS: It isn't surprizing the author got this wrong, the only question I have is was it intentional, or due to the fact that an early deadline required the article be turned in before
The Catholic League issued this statement by Bill Donohue on 10 Sept
His warning to Biden stood alone. Even the conservative Catholic League's Bill Donahue, who rarely hesitates to fire off press releases condemning Catholic Democrats, was unusually silent about Biden." It was that Donohue was silent, it was that he was preparing a more dtailed overvue of where Biden is off base.
& while I am troubled by McCain's past support of embryonic stem cell research, he hasn't gotten up & tried to justify it using Catholic theologians or Church teachings. But does that stop the author & the CINOs from trying to make the 2 on equal footing. Of course not. "Catholic Democrats like Korzen complain that there is an inconsistency in the bishops' actions." It goes on to talk about Archbishop Chaput's comments about McCain. & while the Archbishop apparently made a mistake about McCain's stand on embryonic stem cell research at 1st, unlike Catholic politicians, the Archbishop cannot deal with a non-Catholic in the same way as a Catholic. Besides, even with that flaw, McCain & Palin are both much closer to the Catholic Church teaching on abortion & the non-negotiable life issues that Obama or Biden. & these same people who are complaining that the Bishops are inconsistant would be screaming bloody murder if the Bishops said about Obama what they claim they want the Bishops to say about McCain.
Thomas Peters at
American Papist adds this observation about that paragraph: "
But wait a minute, the same author (Amy Sullivan) began her article by dismissing Abp. Chaput's views as extreme and isolated. Now which is it? Are we to listen to Chaput or not? Apparently we can dismiss his pro-life advocacy because he is, well, isolated, but we must take note of his lack-of-extreme criticism of McCain on the topic of embryonic stem cell research. Moreover, Chaput's supposed-waffling (I have not reviewed the tape to corroborate Sullivan's charecterization), is somehow supposed to undermine the combined teaching of the 27/13 bishops who have spoken-out against Pelosi/Biden." (
Time Mag. asks: "Does Biden Have a Catholic Problem?")
Good question. You can't have it both ways. But then consistancy hasn't exactly been a MSM strong point. & this paragraph has plenty of evidence for the truth of that fact. The MSM are the ones being inconsistant. But, they figure we will be too dumb to notice. The reality is, only those who support their viewpoint won't notice the inconsistancy. But then they don't often let facts get in the way of their skewed view of things.
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