No, I am not kidding, I'm serious. Jesus HAS been kidnapped. As a Catholic I believe that the Concecrated Host IS no longer bread but IS TRULY the Body of Christ. Jesus is present Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity under the appearances of bread & wine. So, naturally I was shocked, disgusted & angered when I read the following:
You know, if this
University of Central Florida student had done something against a Muslim or a gay student, he would already be suspended. But instead he is filing charges against 1 of the person who tried to stop him from leaving without consuming the host. She tries to prevent a sacralidge, he sues her. Insane!
According to the kidnapper Webster Cook (note that I don't use alledged as he admits to it): ""She came up behind me, grabbed my wrist with her right hand, with her left hand grabbed my fingers and was trying to pry them open to get the Eucharist out of my hand," Cook said, adding she wouldn't immediately take her hands off him despite several requests."
Get this: "Cook said he'd consider returning the Eucharist if he gets an apology and a meeting with the Bishop's office to discuss the Diocese's policy on physical force."
(Strong Italiano Language warning!!!!! Scusi, but I can't think of any better way to put it. I did tone it down. There was more I could have said. Instead, I only used 1 adult word.) IMHO Webster Cook is an arrogant gavone who is acting like a total stronzo. He commits a sacriledge & wants them to apologize?????
Catholic Campus Ministry student representative has filed a complaint against Cook & another student with the Student Union. A Student Government Representative has called the Catholic Campus Ministry to apologize for the disruption.
Cook's real reason for holding Jesus hostage in a baggie appears to be something more than that. According to the article: "Cook is upset more than $40,000 in student fees have been allocated to support religious organizations on campus for the 2008-2009 school year, according to student government records. He denied he is holding the Eucharist hostage to protest that support." Yes he is. & he knows it. He intentionally did this at a Catholic Mass. & he knows what Catholic theology teaches about the Eucharist. He also knew that he could get away with this in a way that he wouldn't had he protested a Muslim Student Association (MSA) event. (I checked the UCF website, they treat all religious groups equally, Christian [Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant], Jewish, Muslim, Baha'i, Morman. This is in full accord with the rulings of the court & the 1st Amendment that makes it clear you can't interfer withthe free exercise of of your faith.)
Fr Miguel Gonzalez a priest in the
Diocese of Orlando has it right. "
"It is hurtful. Imagine if they kidnapped somebody and you make a plea for that individual to please return that loved one to the family."" Yes!!! It is hurtful!!!!! Cook's actions are those of a kidnapper holding a hostage. According to Fr. Gonzales a representative from the diocese is willing to meet with him & explain what we believe. The diocese is also sending a nun to the UCF campus to help protect the Eucharist from a repeat performance by Cook or anyone else. What is the main concern of the Orlando Diocese is to "
get the Eucharist back so it can be taken care of properly and with respect."
Fr. Gonzalez told the press that "intentionally abusing the Eucharist is classified as a mortal sin in the Catholic church, the most severe possible. If it's not returned, the community of faith will have to ask for forgiveness."
""We have to make acts of reparation," Gonzalez said. "The whole community is going to turn to prayer. We'll ask the Lord for pardon, forgiveness, peace, not only for the whole community affected by it, but also for [Cook], we offer prayers for him as well.""
It is refreshing to see that there are some places where there is proper respect for the Real Presence. It is sad that they are being forced by Cook into having to make reperation. Let us all pray that the Holy Spirit will convict Mr. Cook of his sin & lead him to repentance for his actions.
(& while WFTV-9 didn't always get it right in the article, it did get it right in the headline.)
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